Gutfeld asks why crime isn't at the top of Mayor Adams's priorities

As long as the mayor has a plant-based diet, who cares about crime?

I don't know about you, but I'm starving. I bet you were wondering, does the new mayor of New York City eat a plant-based, centered life? 

MAYOR ERIC ADAMS: I eat a plant-based, centered life. Some people want to call me vegan. Vegans eat Oreos and they drink Coca-Cola. I don't. 


I guess he does. But what else does he do?

ADAMS: I eat a plant-based, centered life and those who are the food police for me — they can fool police all the time. I eat a plant-based, centered life. I eat a plant-based, centered life. And I'm not going down that — oh no. Oh no, no, no. Please don't do that yelling out stuff with me. I don't do it to you. Don't do it to me. 

New York City Mayor Eric Adams. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig, File)

I wonder if he eats a plant-based, centered life. Anything else you'd like to add, Mr. Mayor?

ADAMS: I see a plant-based, centered life, and I'm not going down this rabbit hole of, "What do you eat? If you eat cake and it has eggs in it, you analyze it?" I'm not doing that. The more plant-based you eat, the better and healthier you are. That is my question to those who are following me around in restaurants, wondering what I'm ordering. Listen, I'm not doing that. That's noise to me. I've got to get New Yorkers to eat a plant-based, centered life. 

So I'm thinking this guy really feels strongly about a plant-based, centered life. Well, as strong as someone lacking in protein can be. God, I wish I felt that strongly about anything as he feels about plant-based, centered life. 

Well, now this show is my plant-based, centered life. But I guess he wants all New Yorkers to eat the same way — half of us already do. I think they're called edibles. 

But maybe I think there are bigger health priorities than this, like not getting murdered. There's nothing you could do better for your health then not getting dead. 

Also not getting robbed, raped or beaten. All those Trump a steady diet of bean curd and soy burgers. You know, I'm happy to eat plants once in a while, but first, just don't turn me into a meal for worms. 

NYPD officers respond to the scene of a shooting. (Photo by Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images) (Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images)

Of course, it's not Adams's fault, the reporters asked. I call these softball questions, but hitting a bull's a-- with a bass fiddle would be more difficult. But it's his priority. 

He already made Friday vegan lunch day at NYC schools, otherwise known as Bring Your Own Burger King Day. It's always about priorities. What leaders in the media see as threats versus the threats you actually face. 

Crime is certainly up there, for sure. But today, the legacy media has anointed the real danger, and it's not murderers or rapists. It's those evil Canadian truckers, because nothing says sedition like beeping your horn. 

CNN journalist: Absolutely remarkable. I mean, just think of the language. I know it sounds familiar to you, right? A threat to democracy and insurrection, sedition.  

CNN. Even after Jeff Zucker is gone, the stench of this smear tactics still lingers. The network is like walking into a men's room that Stelter is walking out of. 

Of course, this fiction has less fatalities than a set visit with Alec Baldwin. And there's no evidence offered by these people. But as expected, they all fall in line like Canadian geese heading south for the winter. 

VARIOUS JOURNALISTS: The police chief saying his city is under siege, calling the demonstrations a nationwide insurrection. The movement is being called an insurrection by some paralyzing the Canadian Capitol. Those with the so-called freedom convoy say they're staying put. It's a cult. 

It is so hard to be concerned when we still haven't captured those terrorists at school board meetings and Canada's PM chimes in, proving that the media and the left always share the same lice-ridden bed. 

CANADIAN PRIME MINISTER JUSTIN TRUDEAU: People of Ottawa don't deserve to be harassed in their own neighborhoods. They don't deserve to be confronted with the inherent violence of a swastika flying on a street corner or a Confederate flag or the insults and jeers just because they're wearing a mask.

I'd call him a clown, but clowns wear white face. 

So what's the reason for this? While Trudeau was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and up his a--. The virtue-signaling skunk hates the working class, but also the legacy media is scared. 

The legacy media, the convoy is basically a bunch of Joe Rogans. They aren't buying what the media is selling, so the media needs to create false narratives in which they are the good guys. And the average citizen who no longer listens to them, well, they're the bad guys. 

They're like a delinquent babysitter who blames the kids for the grease fire in the kitchen or the cigarette burns on the sofa. 

Remember, CNN once cast Chris Cuomo as the good guy. Now they cast him as the bad guy. The demonizing depends on how it protects their butts, so they demonize the so far so peaceful truckers. It's easy to do. 

Chris Cuomo. (REUTERS/Mike Segar)

They appear whiter than the NHL All-Star Game, so I guess that immediately makes them Nazis. However, much of these critics defended the riots and arson that spread across the country back in 2020. 

They called the violence peaceful. Now they call the peaceful violent.

Even today, it's still nothing to see there with those riots, even when they're the actual nothing is murder. Sen. Tom Cotton is demanding answers regarding the lenient prison sentence of a man convicted of burning down a pawn shop in Minneapolis that killed the man inside during the George Floyd riots. 

He was given a light sentence, apparently because the killing was committed during the riots — I mean, protests. Under Merrick Garland, equal justice under the law is deader than that victim of the arson attack. Murder someone in a media-approved riot? You get sympathy. 

But if you have a trucker who's never committed a crime, nonviolent civil disobedience is added to the ever-expanding definition of insurrection. You see the game.

As long as the left-wing media is losing the war over ideas, they must resort to smearing. No wonder they believe Jussie Smollett. It's right out of their playbook. 


Meanwhile, they protect the side they're on politically, even if that side ends up actually killing people. The White House gets attacked by the left, and there's nothing to see here. 

Cities attacked by the left for weeks or months on end. Nothing to see there. A few hours riot at the Capitol? Worse than 9/11. 

And remember, as long as you have parents willing to play along, the lie will always continue. 

WOLF BLITZER: Am I hearing you right, congressman, you fear potentially there could be a civil war here in the United States? 

REP. ADAM KINZINGER: I do, and a year ago, I would have said no, not a chance. Our basic survival is at stake. The basic survival, this democracy. 

Yeah, right. Looks like CNN has found there Chris Cuomo replacement. I hope he's got a giant Q-Tip. Anyway, I wonder what Mayor Adams is thinking about. 

ADAMS: I eat a plant-based, centered life. Some people want to call me vegan. Vegans eat Oreos and they drink Coca-Cola. I don't. 

Oh, they've got to put that in the song. 

This article is adapted from Greg Gutfeld's opening monologue on the February 8, 2022 edition of "Gutfeld!"

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