Guest speaker tells Utah students: 'I'm queer and I'm Trump's worst enemy'

FILE -- President Donald Trump participates in a briefing with senior military leaders at the White House in Washington, U.S., October 5, 2017. (REUTERS/Yuri Gripas)

Students at Grand County High School in Utah were supposed to attend poetry slam workshops on tolerance and acceptance. Instead, students were subjected to political rhetoric, LGBT propaganda and something called “identity mapping.”

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Parents told the Todd Starnes Show that one of the workshop leaders announced to the children, “I’m queer and I’m Trump’s worst enemy.”

An untold number of students were directed by workshop leaders to separate themselves intro groups based on their sexual identity and their religious preference.

Parents told the Todd Starnes Show they are livid over the September event.

“I’m sending my daughter to school to get an education, not to learn about the LGBTQ community,” one parent said.

Superintendent J.T. Stroder told the Todd Starnes Show the presentations were made to the entire student body during English class by poets connected to Moab Pride, a local LGBT organization.

“There were some inappropriate examples used in those presentations – asking students to identify certain things about themselves that is protected by law,” the superintendent admitted.

He sent a letter to parents detailing his concerns about what happened at the high school.

“I would not expect an exercise in which individual students are asked to reveal their sexual orientation and gender identity to be part of the English curriculum,” he wrote. “In this case, there was no parent notification that topics relating to sexuality would be discussed outside the approved health curriculum, which was not acceptable.”

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Parents want to know why the Moab Pride group was allowed inside the high school and why teachers did not intervene when the group began to solicit personal information from the children.

“I really don’t have an explanation,” the superintendent said. “It caught the school off guard.”

One parent, who asked not to be identified, told me students were divided up by religion, sexual preference and political views.

“Their intention was to plant seeds in the high school. They were trying to indoctrinate the kids. When you have people saying ‘I’m a queer and it’s okay. I’m a lesbian and it’s okay’ – I mean – that’s indoctrination,” the parent told me.

As for the workshop where kids were forced to engage in identity mapping?

“I don’t know what that means,” the superintendent said.

Regardless, the school district said the presenters will not be invited back to the school.

“Every child that walks into that school has to feel safe no matter what their religious views are or their sexual preference,” a parent said. “Instead of it being anti-bullying, the workshops directly pointed them out.”

The folks in Grand County, Utah just learned a very important lesson about the sex and gender revolutionaries. They preach tolerance and acceptance, but the revolutionaries don’t practice what they preach.

Todd is the author of the best-selling “The Deplorables’ Guide to Making America Great Again. Click here to get your autographed copy.

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