Gretchen's Take: I get attacked every day for what I wear

There is a lot of talk about one meteorologist's dress, and whether or not it was too revealing. After more than 25 years in the TV business, I wish I could say I’m surprised, but I’m not.

Let me be clear, Liberte Chan's spaghetti strap black dress wouldn't have been my first choice, but I feel for her.

I've been in that situation where the dress you thought you were going to wear on air doesn't work out, like you spill part of your lunch on it - or the zipper breaks. Shouldn't we just be listening to what she's saying anyway?

In my book, “Getting Real”, I shared some of the ridiculous emails I too get every day no matter what I wear. "Gretchen needs a jacket. PLEASE!", "Just lose weight Gretchen or cover up!", and "Those are not arms for sleeveless styles."

I'm sure I really teed off that person today with this almost sleeveless dress! Oh well.