I spend a fair portion of TV time talking about crime. But that's because as a small government fan, but a huge TV star - it's really the only thing I want addressed by our politicians. That and the height requirement for theme park rides. I mean, are the teacups really that dangerous?

And maybe I watched too many cop shows as a kid. In fact, while other kids played doctor, I played stop and frisk. But if we can create safe societies, everyone benefits - equally. You're more free to pursue your dreams - be it education, or career, or my favorite hobby, soaring through the air in porta-potties!  

But all of this is hard to do in a society in which thugs are allowed to roam free like locally raised free-range chicken. When crime goes up, your opportunity for a reasonable existence on this planet drops faster than Kat’s bank account on Saint Patrick’s Day. 

LA County Sheriff Alex Villanueva said his department will be expanding concealed weapons permits. I bet you want to know why!

Sheriff Alex Villanueva, 6/2: Because we have less cops on the street and more crooks, less consequences. You know what could go wrong with that combination, right? We’ve increased our capacity to process CCW permits who made the good cause standard achievable and we are recognizing the threat to the residents is increasing so we are responding accordingly.

Less cops, more crooks. Less consequences, that results in more guns for residents. So thank you Democrats: citizens now get to fight crime. Then, of course, they run the risk of being arrested for defending themselves. But the sheriff has little choice.

The crime stats for LA are as staggering as the cities drug-addicted transients. Homicides are up 95 percent. Grand theft auto -- 40 percent. Rape up 7.8 percent. Aggravated assault 12.9 percent. Arson up 22 percent. Where's Robocop when you need him?

The sheriff calls the rise in crime, "an existential threat." He's right. But where've you heard that phrase before? It's usually Democrats and their compliant media attaching it to stuff they read about on a campus flyer. 

Climate change is an existential risk. Old White men are an existential threat. Trump was the existential risk of all time. But it’s hard to argue what is existential because by definition it's imprecise, or it's because you’ve been shot! It's true - right now, being murdered by a psychopath is your existential risk.

However, that's the only thing that isn't an existential risk, according to the media. And don't look to Joe Biden, or as he calls himself "President Harris." To him, the real violence comes from a well-oiled, organized White supremacy movement. Which I guess is what they call Republicans these days.

Joe Biden, 6/1: Terrorism from white supremacy is the most lethal threat to the homeland today. Not ISIS. Not al Qaeda. White supremacists.

You’d have to go to a presentation on weapons of mass destruction to find a phonier threat. Remember the looting and riots from last summer? I don't recall seeing white power groups inciting that. Unless you count CNN. And the dramatic rise in crime? It's all in cities. Not in the backwoods. Maybe the White racists are people like Portland’s mayor, who let it happen. Who knows? 

My prediction: as the crime gets worse, so will these deflections. They’ll blame systemic racism faster than you can say "please stop punching me in the head." Meanwhile, as crime continues to explode, the news tries to convince you that it's your duty to eat cicadas to help the environment.

Which reminds me, what's on CNN right now?

Skit on woman and man eating cicadas on CNN

What you're seeing in LA is the natural response to politicians abdicating their responsibility in protecting citizens. In other words "self-preservation." I envy LA. They have a sheriff who cares about his city. 

In New York, we have a mayor who thinks his sit-up routine takes priority over brutalized Asians. And all of us are unarmed! It takes filling out 40 forms to get a caulking gun. And the gov and mayor like it that way. We're living in a video game, where unstable maniacs get to attack citizens freely. And losing the game could mean losing your life. There is no escape button, and you never get to start over.

Here's a partial - and I stress partial, list of our local terrors, courtesy of the New York Post. Last Friday, a homeless man allegedly pushed another Asian woman, down a flight of stairs at a subway station. The suspect had 77 prior arrests. That’s almost double Kat’s.

In January, a deranged man shoved a commuter into a moving train. Just two weeks in February saw more than a dozen attacks, including a number of subway slashings, a woman shoved onto the tracks and a bus operator struck with a 2x4. Which is impressive since under Biden the cost of lumber is through the roof.

In early May, a Harlem man was shoved to the tracks in an unprovoked attack. On May 23, four people, including a cop, were attacked in two separate incidents— where one attacker wielded a hammer — in the subway. 


The list literally goes on and on. And our leaders offer nothing, but platitudes. And when their cowardice shows, they point fingers at you, the racist. 

So what happens when your national leaders refuse to acknowledge the mayhem around you? Their silence becomes the existential threat. 

And this one is real.

This article is adapted from Greg Gutfeld's opening monologue on the June 3, 2021 edition of "Gutfeld!"