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Big news yesterday — yes, I finally finished my jigsaw puzzle. It took months.

But also, Johnny Depp won his defamation case against his ex, Amber Heard. Fans of the Depp. He wasn't in court, though. He was in London jamming with guitar legend Jeff Beck. I believe we have tape.


Don't do drugs kids, because they're mine. 

But apparently when the jurors heard what a turd Heard was, it spurred the herd to give her the bird. Sorry, I like poetry — guess that makes me a nerd. 


But she crapped the bed in court and in bed, and the jury saw what we saw. That she had a lousy case because she was a lousy liar, which is weird for an actress since she lies for a living. Her job is to pretend to be someone else. Maybe her lawyers should have gotten Scarlett Johansson to play her in court. 

Johnny Depp Amber Heard

Johnny Depp, Amber Heard in Fairfax, VA court. (REUTERS/Elizabeth Frantz/Pool)

So Amber defamed a dude in one of the worst ways you can. She abused the "Me Too" movement and probably destroyed what was left of it in the process. She just figured all you got to do is point a finger and click — believe all women, a sexist would say. 

But it became obvious that she was so full of crap, that she was leaving it in their bed. You could see it. We could see it. The jury could smell it — or maybe Depp just needed a bath. 

But, you know who couldn't see it? The Washington Post. They published her article that an ACLU lawyer claims was ghostwritten, alluding that Depp was a violent abuser. 


But what if the Post could see the claim was shaky, but it didn't matter to them? I mean, what's Depp going to do, sue? You've got to wonder, too, how involved the Post was in this. 

Did they help her and the ACLU goose up her prose? Did they coordinate with their publicity department since she had a movie coming up? 

"But who cares," the Post thought. "What's the worst that could happen?" And usually they're right. That's the real lesson here. 

Would you be able to do what Johnny Depp did if an ex or anyone decided to destroy you in the world of public opinion? Luckily, that may never happen. But what if it did? 

You know, it happened to me. I still can't believe it after all I did for Hemmer. 

Johnny Depp Amber Heard red carpet

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard before their split. (AP)

But most of us don't have the wherewithal to fight back the way Depp did. It's like falling into a porta-potty. You get smeared, you stay smeared, and no one wants to get near you. It's why I'm no longer welcomed at construction sites. 

But Depp, he paid for the best lawyers in the world, and he won. So hooray for Johnny Depp, except, do I really care about him that much? I mean, he's no saint. He even said that about himself. 

He probably hates Fox. He even joked about killing Trump. And really, you can't make six "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies and not enjoy torturing people. So forget about him for now. 

The real question is, what about The Washington Post? They were the ones who published this article. Why aren't they named, and shouldn't they be sued, too? 

Someone should get Nick Sandmann's lawyer on the phone because that's really the only way to stop this crap. Well, that and cutting people's tongues out. But Fox legal has informed me that I should call that procedure problematic. 

Amber Heard court June 1

Amber Heard listening to the jury verdict in her ex-husband's defamation claim against her. (Screenshot)

So, Depp scored one against cancel culture. And for that, he deserves credit. But what about the press? 

I bet Ms. Heard likely never had to back her story up with "Me Too" on her side and an editor, especially if it's a male one, knew better than to ask if she had any proof. Believe all women, a sexist would say. 

And they figured they could get by simply by not naming him obviously knowing everyone would figure it out. It's Johnny Depp, not Gov. Huckabee — this time. Joking. Joking. That was a joke. 

But it's like if I said my coworker, my coworker at Fox, who's really cool and fun, but maybe she parties a little too hard — you know, everyone knows it's Kayleigh McEnany, and you wonder why people think media are scum. 

Actually, you don't wonder, anybody who has looked up at a TV in the airport gets it. Now Johnny does too. Maybe he can play Nick Sandmann in the movie. There you go. 


So Depp's victory feels good, but will it feel good to those who will never taste such a win because they don't have the deep pockets or the Depp pockets. See what I did there? 

I mean, how many other stories has the Washington Post published when the claims were just as false? Don't answer that, the show only lasts an hour and I don't want to cut into evil Shannon Bream's time. 

You don't know what she's like when she gets mad. It's kind of fun, actually. 

But you'll never know for sure because those people weren't Depp and The Post knows that too, so they'll keep doing it unless more Depps call them on their s---, but how many of us make $20 million a picture? 

Well, besides me.