Gutfeld: NYC subway safety reassurances as reliable as a Wuhan lab report
'Gutfeld!' reacts to a string of violent attacks across the nation as liberal leaders hold press conferences assuring the public's safety.
So here in New York City, the subway system is running a special lottery, but unlike my used underwear raffle, it's a lottery that no one wants to win. Because with random attacks on the trains rising faster than Truth Social's stock price, your chances of getting through the subway system without encountering a raving lunatic are about the same as getting through Jesse's book.
New York subway is so dangerous these days, it could be Ukraine or even San Francisco, or that time I ate Taco Bell right before my water aerobics class. So as New York Democrat leaders, all of whom, by the way, have armed protection details, hold press conferences telling us they feel our pain and are praying for the families.
What they conveniently ignore is that none of this is actually random, it's as predictable as women fainting when I forget to close my robe. Because it's the policies of these leaders, most of which were forced through in the wake of George Floyd, that are directly causing all of this. It's why today, blue cities are all turning red, blood-red. Here in NYC, the man arrested for the murder of NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller during a car stop had 21 prior arrests, including multiple felonies.
Hey Dems, I know you don't like the old three strikes rule, but could we maybe get a 20 strikes rule? His partner, who was driving the car had 14 priors, including attempted murder. He was out on bail on a gun charge. I've gotten worse slaps on the wrist from stealing Dana's culottes.
But that's the pair Officer Diller approached Monday night. He was 31 years old. A three year cop working a tough neighborhood for lousy pay with a wife and a one-year old at home. His accused shooter was such a committed career criminal the scumbag reportedly had a knife stashed in his rectum, which suggests he may have known he'd be arrested later that night. I mean, I doubt it was just because his glove compartment was full. But if you can't look at the three players involved in this tragedy and come away feeling that our society is getting something very wrong then all I can say is I hope NBC is paying you well.
Now, earlier that day, that same day, NYPD brass held a press conference announcing a deployment of 800 cops to the subway to reassure a skittish public that the transit system is safe. But what are they going to do? What are they going to do next? Arrest Daniel Penny again? But their actions turned out to be about as reassuring as a Wuhan lab report, because not long after that, a commuter in Harlem was shoved in front of a train and killed. The alleged perp, Carlton McPherson is a known mental case with a long rap sheet and an open warrant for assault. I'm sure that's little consolation to subway riders that the person who randomly kills you is crazy.
The next day, at the very same subway station, a female fare jumper punched a cop attempting to summons her and actually breaking his nose. That's taking it a bit too far, don't you think? Even if it is Women's History Month. Is it any wonder New York City subway riders feel about as safe as a guest at a P. Diddy pool Party? Still, the worst part of those parties is the music. Meanwhile, women are taking a TikTok to post about being randomly punched in the face on the street by a perfect stranger. No word if it's this guy. Thank you, Joe. Smattering of appropriate applause. But who cares? Doesn't seem that our liberal leaders do and why is that?
Well, if your doctrine dictates that this is a racist, oppressive system, then any laws stemming from this system are equally racist and evil. And that means criminality is merely the act of the oppressed. They matter more than you, and it's showing in bail, jail, and arrest policies. Any rational attempt at self-preservation is really just racism. Sure, the NYPD is majority minority and almost its entire command staff is minority and our mayor is black. Doesn't matter. Somehow the entire system is racist and white supremacy is everywhere.
So much so, a Minnesota school district is now hiring a whiteness superintendent to "examine the presence of 'whiteness' in its system and structures. That's code for: You can punch teachers, and no one learns to read. So it's clear we are paralyzed by malicious idiots who see oppression behind any effort to fight crime. They replace rational thinking with delusional empathy, where any efforts based on law and order or self-defense is considered inhumane. Manic hysteria over race trumps common sense and of course, the unspoken part is who this hurts most.
Meet Jayden Perkins, 11 years old, stabbed to death trying to protect his mom, when the geniuses at Illinois Prison Review Board released her violent ex despite her pleading for a restraining order. The board denied any responsibility later. Can't let the truth get in the way of decarceration. Got to undo that systemic racism. But then the emails came out and Illinois Governor Pritzker, a big bail reformer himself, had to announce that the two board members responsible resigned in disgrace.
Like Henry VIII's wives, he needed a couple of heads. So here's the boy's killer, career domestic abuser, Crosetti Brand, do you think the problem is that he just needed more education on white privilege? You won't hear a peep out of Black Lives Matter for Jaden. What are they going to do, build a police station?
You just know, sadly, Jayden Perkins and his mom felt really unsafe and it wasn't from white supremacy, but from a homicidal ex and a system that enabled him. The truth today, if you don't feel safe, that's on you. It has to be. Otherwise, common sense may assert itself, and the Dems would never win another election.