The Republican loss of majority control of the U.S. House in the midterm elections should come as no surprise. The president’s party has traditionally lost an average of 32 seats in the House in midterms since 1862.

In the entirety of American history, there have been only two instances where the president’s party defied the odds and gained seats in both the House and Senate in midterm elections: during the Great Depression and after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

Democrats grew their advantage further this year when 59 Republican members of Congress announced their retirements, resignations or intentions to run for another public office.

Starting next year, members of the new House Democratic majority will do everything in their power to stop President Trump’s policy agenda.

The Senate confirmation hearing for now-Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh was a disgusting preview of the depths to which Democrats will sink to distract the public from GOP-led tax reform, economic growth and steady job creation.

Beginning in January, bills passed by the new House Democratic majority will be voted down in the Republican-controlled Senate. Even in the rare event that a piece of legislation squeaks by the Senate, it could be vetoed by President Trump.

House Democrats will continue transforming their chamber into a national spectacle, calling for more witch hunt investigations and committee hearings. They will call for impeachment proceedings and be indignant when their effort backfires and President Trump is re-elected in two years.

You think Republicans were fired up this year? Just wait until House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., becomes speaker of the House and appoints herself as America’s moral compass.

While Democratic Party strategists spin their own narratives, the liberty movement is pivoting to the next major battleground: regulatory reform.

Regulatory agencies arguably hold more power than Congress, but with less transparency and almost no oversight. The Code of Federal Regulations is over 175,000 pages long and is estimated to cost the U.S. economy between $2 trillion and $4 trillion each year – more than the gross domestic product of entire nations.

FreedomWorks – the group I head – created the Regulatory Action Center (RAC) to fight back against this unchecked fourth branch of government.

Our digital RAC initiative monitors pending rules and regulations from 300 federal agencies and departments in real time, and alerts millions of grassroots activists to submit official public comments directly to federal agencies.

The public comment period is the only time the American people can make an impact during the regulatory process. Bureaucrats directly involved in these processes have admitted that one unique and substantive comment is “often more influential than a thousand form letters.”

Using the RAC interface, grassroots volunteers have submitted more than 100,000 unique and substantive comments up to now, making it the liberty movement’s main driver of public comments on federal regulations.

President Trump has reversed $33 billion in unneeded regulations since he took office. Millions of FreedomWorks activists nationwide plan to help him seize this opportunity for regulatory reform, Democratic House majority or not.