FBI is working every day to keep our country safe, pay attention to facts, not politics

With law-enforcement partners around the globe, FBI protects Americans from criminals

There is a program at the FBI dedicated to investigating violent crimes against children, one of many programs operated by the men and women of the bureau every day. The FBI Special Agents working on these cases face the unimaginable – images of thousands of vulnerable children victimized by sexual abuse and more.  

Investigations started in this program are worked in every state and in every FBI office. Success in these complex, dangerous cases – as well as in almost every investigation – is dependent on cooperation not only within the FBI but also with a wide range of important partners including law enforcement agencies at the federal, state, local, tribal and international level as well as community organizations and the public. 

These partnerships, built on mutual trust and forged through years of close collaboration, are effective in investigations across many criminal violations. As a result of these partnerships, human traffickers are thwarted, families are reunited, cyber threats are stopped, and incidents of international and domestic terrorism are prevented. Every day, Americans are safer because of the work being done by special agents and our partners. 


The work of special agents is difficult. It is relentless and consuming. It is also completely non-partisan. From time to time, FBI agents are required to undertake investigations that generate criticism from politicians and pundits. Over my 23-year career as an agent, I have seen criticism come from both sides. 

FBI agents approaching a crime scene (Getty Images)

However, in the past month, we have heard extreme and irresponsible attacks on the FBI from pundits and even by some political leaders. The allegations – that the FBI is somehow driven by political bias – are simply untrue. These attacks, particularly coming from political leaders, could have real implications for the safety of agents and others. 

FBI Director Chris Wray recently explained in testimony to Congress: "The threats we face as a nation have never been greater or more diverse, and the expectations placed on the FBI have never been higher. Our fellow citizens look to the FBI to protect the United States from all of those threats, and the people of the FBI continue to meet and exceed those expectations, every day." 


With these words in mind, our nation’s opinion leaders and policymakers should not be sowing seeds of mistrust. Smearing the FBI and special agents with inflammatory allegations can only erode the foundations of our partnerships that are so important to our work. 

We continue to work around the clock, here and across the world, to keep our nation and our people safe. We continue to do our work, cooperatively with our many partners, and drawing on our collective strength as one team across the entire FBI.


At FBI headquarters, visitors can see the FBI Wall of Honor which memorializes those who have given their lives in connection to their service in the FBI. It’s a solemn reminder that the FBI is composed of thousands of men and women willing to tackle the toughest challenges, to put themselves in harm’s way to protect the most vulnerable among us. We will continue to show up with bravery, with integrity, and with an unwavering commitment to our Constitution and to the communities we serve. 

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