Douglas MacKinnon: Trump needs to talk with America about the soul-crushing debt destroying our nation

Against the wishes of fiscally conservative members, the House of Representatives voted to pass a two-year, $2.7 Trillion budget and debt-limit deal on Thursday.

A vote, which in the short and long run, is very bad news if you happen to care about the financial solvency of the United States of America and your own personal welfare.

As of February of this year, our national debt exceeded $22 trillion.


Understandably, people’s eyes start to glaze over when confronted with budget numbers followed by 12 zeros.

A simpler way to understand how our nation got into this financial crisis – and it is a crisis which will come due – is to simply make the subject a bit more personal to you. That said, imagine if your bank issued you a very special credit card. The credit card did have a limit, but you alone could extend that limit as much and as long as you wanted to the point where you would be long gone when payment was due, but your great-grandchildren would be forced to pay in full or suffer crippling consequences.

Congress has such a credit card and a majority of its members – just like all the majority of members before them – purposely kicked the fiscal emergency down the road to the next Congress as a way to help reassure their own reelection.

It is wrong. It is cowardly. And ultimately, it is un-American.

In case anyone is not paying attention to the details, this latest debt-limit extension being dumped on your children and grandchildren is set to expire in July of 2021.

In other words, right after the 2020 election.

All of this cowardly can-kicking and suicidal increasing of our national debt is predicated upon a truly insulting assumption from our federal politicians.
That being that we, as the American people, are not intelligent enough, mature enough, or responsible enough to deal with the absolute truth about our national debt and the hard choices which must be made to alleviate it.

A win-win for self-interested, irresponsible politicians from both sides of the aisle but a slap-in-the-face to hard-working Americans struggling to keep their heads above the fiscal water-line.

All of this cowardly can-kicking and suicidal increasing of our national debt is predicated upon a truly insulting assumption from our federal politicians.

That being that we, as the American people, are not intelligent enough, mature enough, or responsible enough to deal with the absolute truth about our national debt and the hard choices which must be made to alleviate it.

These politicians must give the voters – their ultimate bosses – the respect they deserve and level with them on this issue.

In many ways, President Trump was elected because tens of millions of Americans rightfully saw him as the “Un-Politician.”

Someone who was not only not owned by any special interests, but would always tell it like it is.

There has never been a president in the Oval Office with a higher real-world business I.Q. than Donald Trump. A business I.Q. which is making a positive difference in so many real ways, including, warning about the growing threat to our country from the national debt.

That said, the strength and the power of this president lasts only as long as he continues to be viewed as the “un-politician” to those tens of millions of American voters who put him in office.

If President Trump were demoted in the eyes of these voters to a “typical politician” status, that would be his eventual kryptonite.

If the Senate ratifies the House vote next week, the “typical politicians” get their way and kick the “bankrupt-America”-can down the road for the next two years to the tune of $320 billion in added debt. But guess what? America has run out of road on this issue.

After his reelection – which would be in the best interests of our nation – President Trump needs to sit down and have his own “fireside” chat with the American people about the suicidal debt crisis.

If Congress won’t give the American people the credit and respect they deserve, the president must.

Every single American who has ever faced credit card debt understands that expenses have to be slashed, luxuries cut, and certain items eliminated forever.


The solution to the debt crisis is basic, tough, but desperately needed economic math.

A solution an “un-Politician” needs to offer before it’s too late.


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