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TUCKER CARLSON – Gavin Newsom could soon be the new face of the Democratic Party.… Continue reading… 

‘MERMAID’ MADNESS – Disney's latest song rewrite is a flex to show who's really in charge… Continue reading…

ANDY PUZDER – This terrifying reason why California's Silicon Valley Bank collapsed is a threat to thousands of other businesses… Continue reading…

2024 IN FOCUS – The one pivot Republicans could make to start winning again… Continue reading…

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE RACE – The shocking response to AI and what to do now before it's too late… Continue reading…

HOLD ON TO YOUR WALLET – This $6 trillion problem threatens to push inflation even higher…  Continue reading…

BOBBY JINDAL – Forget China. This is America’s greatest challenge… Continue reading…

WATCH: REP. NANCY MACE – America doesn't believe in the Biden administration… See the video… 

MARJORIE DANNENFELSER – Overturning Roe vs. Wade was huge, but this abortion case is the biggest yet… Continue reading…

VIDEO OF THE DAY – Fox News host Laura Ingraham explains how President Biden has 'surrendered' American prestige and leverage and let the global elites take over… Watch now...

ADVICE FOR MOMS & DADS – 5 crucial keys to parenting in a world gone mad… Continue reading…

REP. JODEY ARRINGTON – This crisis is flashing danger and America must change course or our children will pay is the greatest success story from the pandemic… Continue reading…

MAJOR VICTORY – Here's why Texas court's ruling on FDA approval of abortion drugs is a huge win for women, girls… Continue reading…

WATCH: RILEY GAINES – This whole movement is vengeful and hateful… See the video… 

BATAAN SURVIVORS – These WWII heroes endured disease, starvation and beheadings. Here's why we should remember them… Continue reading… 

CARTOON OF THE DAY – The Upside Down World Check out all of our political cartoons...

