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LAURA INGRAHAM – Fox News host discusses how the 246-year-old republic is being pulled apart at the seams. Continue reading…

DEMOCRATS' WAR ON RULE OF LAW – From phony Russian dossier to Clinton emails, FBI proves it can't be trusted to tell the truth. Continue reading…

'YOU KEEP USING THAT WORD; I DO NOT THINK IT MEANS WHAT YOU THINK IT MEANS' – Biden is trying to re-write the definition of 'recession' to cover for his own failure. Continue reading…

GREG GUTFELD – Hillary Clinton is fundraising off her own crimes, amid the FBI's raid of Mar-a-Lago. Continue reading…

MIKE POMPEO – Trump raid unprecedented assault by FBI on all Americans, not just former president. Continue reading…

BUILD BACK BETTER 2.0 – Democrats' Inflation Reduction Act should join Build Back Better on the ash heap of history. Continue reading…

RAYMOND ARROYO – Biden coughs it up... literally. Continue watching…

SCHOOL CHOICE IS ON A ROLL – School closures leave school choice advocates with three takeaways. Continue reading…

BAD DEAL – Biden must prioritize American security by keeping a Russian arms trafficker in jail. Continue reading…

TUDOR DIXON Parents will call the shots in November. Continue reading…

CARTOON OF THE DAY – In The Way. Check out all of our political cartoons…

In The  Way 08.12.22

In The  Way 08.12.22