Democrats block Trump's border emergency, but their actions are our actual national emergency

Folks on the left like to talk about intersectionality. They lecture the rest of us on the moral superiority of their aspirational, virtue-signaling, public policy priorities.

Some first-level intersectional vectors collided with deadly consequences at 10:59 p.m. last Sunday when authorities say that Napa County Deputy Riley Jarecki noticed a car parked facing the wrong direction on a rural road. Jarecki approached the vehicle, occupied by a lone man – illegal immigrant Javier Hernandez-Morales.  She tapped on the driver’s side window and instructed Hernandez to “roll-it-down”.

Here is where the lethal erosion of societal norms stemming from the left’s misguided policies regarding our border, immigration and sanctuary city policy is revealed.


According to authorities, at this moment Hernandez hesitates and mumbles something as he starts to roll down the window. He then quickly and unexpectedly points and fires a handgun towards the face of Jarecki at point blank range. As can be seen in the riveting and graphic 48-second video from Jarecki’s body camera, she returns fire, killing Hernandez.

Jarecki survived. She is a third-generation law enforcement officer. Her father is a Napa police sergeant and her deceased grandfather, Robert Jarecki, was a Napa police captain. She was doing her job, enforcing the laws, following police protocol and training.

President Trump stands with Jarecki and all law-abiding U.S. citizens who are being subject to the potentially lethal consequences of uncontrolled illegal immigration. He has declared a national emergency and proposed an “all of the above set” of solutions: a physical barrier, technology, higher staffing levels, more judges, more detention beds, and an end to sanctuary policies.

Hernandez, 43, was a Mexican national living in the United States illegally, despite a long criminal history, including using several aliases. He had been arrested at least five times since 2016 for crimes such as carrying a concealed and loaded weapon, driving under the influence, selling liquor to a minor, and assaulting a police officer.

He had been deported at least three times prior to 2011. He was parked illegally and presenting a danger to other motorists, refused to cooperate with the deputy, and instead tried to blow her away using a stolen gun.

Jarecki’s fellow Californians -- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Kamala Harris, and Sen. Dianne Feinstein -- all stand with Javier Hernandez-Morales. So do Democratic presidential candidates Sen. Kristin Gillibrand, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Sen. Cory Booker, Sen. Bernie Sanders, Rep. Julian Castro, and would-be presidential candidate former Rep. Robert “Beto” O’Rourke.

Pelosi and other prominent Democrats argue a physical barrier is immoral. Many have such contempt for law enforcement they have called for the outright abolition of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Since Trump declared the national emergency, leading Democrats and their enabling handmaidens in the liberal mainstream media have argued that this is a phony crisis, and brush aside the self-evident clear and present danger as a delusion, a figment of the president's imagination, and a crass re-election strategy.

What happened on that lonely road in Napa County was none of those cynical mischaracterizations. Nor was it an isolated incident.

Deputy Jarecki is alive, but there are thousands of angel families who have lost loved ones to violent illegal immigrants, or drunk driving illegal immigrants, or drug-dealing illegal immigrants. These illegal immigrants should never have been able to gain entry into the U.S., and when discovered committing crimes, should have been deported. Many were deported but found their way back in, sometimes multiple times.

This week, the House of Representatives voted 245-182 to block President Trump’s national emergency declaration, with support from 13 of the 199 Republicans. The Senate will take it up prior to the recess scheduled to begin March 18.

If the bill passes the Senate, albeit on the thinnest of margins, it will land on the president’s desk. There, President Trump will have no choice but to issue his first veto.

A veto override in the House would require 289 votes, for which many more than 13 Republican votes would be required. They won’t be available. A veto override in the Senate would require 67 votes. Those won’t be available either.

A presidential veto will stand. Everyone in Washington knows this.

During the 2016 election, Americans were given a choice. They chose to elect Donald Trump. It’s worth remembering that border security was issue  No. 1 for candidate Trump, and it’s refreshing that President Trump is actually doing everything in his power to follow through on his promise.

The bill to block the president’s emergency declaration is just a vehicle for more virtue-signaling. Like so much of the Democratic Party’s political behavior after the 2016 election, this is not an attempt to govern, but merely another sideshow.

Once again, the Democrats are prioritizing their political self-interest. The president and the overwhelming majority of Republicans are prioritizing their constitutional mandate to protect the American people.


The courts will need to weigh this choice, and the sooner the better.

Perhaps this is the true nature of the national emergency.

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