Steve Hayes on Jim Jordan's move to Intelligence Committee ahead of public phase of impeachment inquiry
Rep. Jim Jordan has proven himself to be a dogged defender of President Trump, says Fox News contributor Steve Hayes.
The assignment Friday of Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio to the House Intelligence Committee to participate in questioning of witnesses in the absurd witch hunt masquerading as an impeachment inquiry against President Trump is a smart move.
Jordan will be a highly effective fighter for truth, justice and fairness, as Trump-hating Democrats try to conduct a kangaroo court with the predetermined mission of finding something – anything – to justify their long-sought goal of overturning the will of the 63 million Americans who wisely elected Trump in 2016.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif, made a great call in moving the highly effective Jordan to the Intelligence Committee for the fight.
Intelligence Committee members understand that their committee is being misused and abused by crazed Democrats. President Trump’s best defense team and counterpunchers need to be brought in to beat back the deranged accusers.
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Unhinged Democrats ought to rename the Intelligence Committee the Inquisition Committee for their unjustified attack on the president. They have no interest in getting to the truth – all they care about is getting President Trump.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., made an enormous miscalculation by ignoring historical precedent and having the Intelligence Committee run the baseless and partisan impeachment witch hunt against President Trump.
Driven by Trump Derangement Syndrome, no doubt, Pelosi made a political decision to take impeachment away from the House Judiciary Committee and hide it away in the basement of the Capitol. The mistake will reverberate in the halls of Congress for a very long time.
Pelosi’s choice to politicize the House Intelligence Committee is arrogant and irresponsible. It may well cost her the speaker’s gavel next year when it’s all said and done.
Intelligence Committee proceedings are supposed to be sober and bipartisan gatherings aimed at making sure the intelligence community is well-equipped for the challenges of a dangerous world, while at the same serving as a check on abuse and wrongdoing in the intelligence community.
Impeachment is not within the jurisdiction of the Intelligence Committee because impeachment is a political undertaking. In sharp contrast, intelligence community business is not political. Shame on Pelosi and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., for ignoring this critically important fact.
House Democrats have declared war on President Trump – and their decisions are being made on a war footing. Republicans must put their boots on and fight back by deploying our best assets on the battlefield.
It’s logical for the members of Congress with the best command of the facts to be asking the questions when Pelosi and Schiff’s coup attempt goes on television next week for public hearings.
The president’s core team during the impeachment hearings in addition to Jordan will be Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Devin Nunes, R-Calif; and Republicans John Ratcliffe of Texas, Mark Meadows of North Carolina, Lee Zeldin of New York, and Andy Biggs of Arizona.
This is the team that can make the case to the American people that President Trump’s phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky involved no criminal wrongdoing whatsoever and does not rise to the level of an impeachable offense.
Additionally, these House members are skilled operators who will make this process as painful as possible for the rabid partisan Democrats who are hoisting this farce on the American people.
The president’s defense team on Capitol Hill will relish the opportunity to call former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter to testify, in order to show the American people what a real quid pro quo looks like.
The Republicans will also point out to the American people that Chairman Schiff should have been removed from his perch as head of the Intelligence Committee long ago for falsifying the transcript of the Trump-Zelensky call d for political purposes during a September hearing.
Schiff and his staff will undoubtedly be key witnesses for the defense during the public hearings. Schiff must answer questions under oath about his relationship with the whistleblower who kicked off this impeachment nonsense, as well as what he knew about the whistleblower’s complaint and when he knew it. Jim Jordan is the person who should be asking these questions.
he whistleblower must also testify before Schiff’s committee because in America due process and cross-examination must be cherished and protected – not just allowed when it’s convenient for the accuser. The American people must find out if the whistleblower flew to Ukraine with Joe Biden on Air Force Two, among other things.
When sunlight finally shines in on Pelosi and Schiff’s rotten process next week, the American people will discover that there is no case for impeachment. Desperate Democrats are only using impeachment as a political weapon to meddle in the 2020 elections because they can’t beat President Trump at the ballot box.
As each day goes by with no new evidence emerging, public support for impeachment continues to wane. The Democrats would be wise to listen to the American people for a change.
President Trump has been fighting for us. Now it’s time to fight for him so he can build on his record of enormous achievements on behalf of the American people.