Lara Trump: Coronavirus and economy — President Trump on the side of workers and their families

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We are facing challenging and uncertain times. As Americans are homebound, many are growing restless — as a mom, I share these sentiments.

Eric and I welcomed our first child, Luke, in September 2017. We were blessed last August with our precious daughter, Carolina.

I think about how our children are being affected by the coronavirus pandemic, and my heart goes out to families who have been impacted and lost loved ones during this difficult time.


Now, more than ever, our country needs strong, decisive leadership and that is exactly what we are getting from President Donald Trump. The president and his administration are making sure supplies are getting to the states, increasing testing capabilities and working around the clock to find a vaccine.

President Trump took early, swift action to shut down travel from where the virus originated and immediately worked to ensure families and small businesses impacted by coronavirus had access to immediate economic relief.

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Contrast that to the presumptive Democrat nominee for president, Joe Biden, who instead of calling for unity and offering a positive message, called the president’s prudent, life-saving travel ban xenophobic. It’s unfortunate that Biden chose to politicize the pandemic from the start.

The president acted without delay, providing small-business owners and their employees immediate financial support through the Paycheck Protection Program. The program will protect the jobs of millions of Americans and ensure small businesses have the cash necessary to pay the bills.

The president also spearheaded efforts with Congress to pass bipartisan legislation that supports American families and businesses hurting through no fault of their own. The CARES Act provides families and individuals with immediate cash relief, while also supporting America’s health care workers on the front lines of the battle.

Make no mistake — Biden and the Democrat Party will weaken our economy at a time when we need a strong, decisive leader to rebound following the pandemic.

Joe Biden and the Democrats’ solution is higher taxes for the middle class, more job-killing regulations and support of the Green New Deal that will run our economy into the ground. He will take advantage of the crisis to exert more government control over our lives, not for the benefit of working families, but for the benefit of special interests and the Washington establishment.

Make no mistake — Biden and the Democrat Party will weaken our economy at a time when we need a strong, decisive leader to rebound following the pandemic.

We know President Trump will boost the economy and protect jobs because he knows what it takes to build a strong economy. He built a strong economy once and will do it again.

In 2017, he passed the historic Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which doubled the child tax credit and delivered a tax cut of $2,000 to the average family of four. The tax cuts also ensured families kept more of their hard-earned income.


President Trump and his administration worked with Congress to secure paid family leave for more than 2 million Americans employed by the federal government. The change to the policy represented the first update to federal family leave policy in a generation and provides federal workers with 12 weeks of guaranteed paid time off for parents following the birth, adoption or fostering of a child.

The president has also overseen the largest expansion of the Child Care and Development Block Grant in history — a $2.37 billion increase approved by Congress in 2018. This increase in funding will make a critical difference in ensuring more children have access to critical early learning experiences necessary to be ready for the first day of kindergarten.

While Washington career politicians and Joe Biden have paid lip service to the American worker and their families for generations, President Trump is following through on his promises to support the backbone of America — the American working family. And as we combat the virus, it is imperative for America to have compassionate leaders willing and able to stand up for working people and their families.


When your son or daughter watching television is afraid, and maybe even asks you if they are safe — you can let them know that they are safe with President Trump in charge.

A final message from the president that I hope each and every American takes to heart. President Trump loves the American people and he is with you. We are all in this together.


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