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Chris Cuomo – dead man walking. 

Or, in words the CNN anchor should appreciate, his network is about to send him on a one-way boat ride. That last is a reference to lame "Godfather" brother Fredo Corleone – a comparison that once sent Chris Cuomo into a rage. 

The tenuous hold Cuomo maintained on his CNN anchor job looks to be slipping away. His bosses at the network promised a "thorough review" of embarrassing new documents about how Chris helped his brother, former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, try to battle a sex harassment crisis that forced him to resign as governor. 


"CNN said Monday that it will evaluate new information that sheds light on how anchor Chris Cuomo sought to help his brother, former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, amid a flurry of sexual misconduct allegations earlier this year," wrote the network’s chief media correspondent Brian Stelter. 

And, here, we all thought legacy journalists liked transparency.  


CNN’s statement conspicuously avoided defending their anchor following the release of a treasure trove of embarrassing documents. "We will be having conversations and seeking additional clarity about their significance as they relate to CNN over the next several days." 

That additional clarity doesn’t look good for the lesser of the Brothers Cuomo. Together Chris and Andrew formed a media high-wire act that violated journalistic ethics and combined stupidity with a general disrespect for women. Chris previously defended his actions with a movie cliche phrase "family first, job second." 

CNN’s Chris Cuomo performed prop comedy with his brother New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo during a widely panned segment in 2020. 

CNN’s Chris Cuomo performed prop comedy with his brother New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo during a widely panned segment in 2020.  (CNN)

That view led him to aid his brother in ways that mocked the Society of Professional Journalists’ code of ethics. He didn’t so much get caught in the buzzsaw that took down his brother. He dove into it headfirst. He even used his contacts to research an investigative story by journalist Ronan Farrow involving more potential accusers against the gubernatorial brother.  

The Post said Chris also told Gov. Cuomo staffer Melissa DeRosa that "‘I have a lead on the wedding girl,’ he writes to DeRosa on March 4, an apparent reference to Anna Ruch, who accused the governor of touching her improperly at a wedding.’" 

I’m sure all the women concerned about sexual harassment and the #MeToo movement at CNN are just thrilled by this. Especially in light of the sexual harassment allegations leveled against Chris Cuomo in September. 

A network anchor researched women who accused his brother of sexual harassment. The same anchor who led CNN’s campaign to promote his brother throughout 2020.  

The New York attorney general released the latest documents that led to damning headlines even in friendly, leftist outlets. The New York Times wrote "Chris Cuomo Played Outsize Role in Ex-Gov. Cuomo’s Defense." Politico explained: "‘Please let me help’: How Chris Cuomo fought to save his embattled brother." And The Washington Post declared "Chris Cuomo sought ‘intel’ on media coverage about accusations against his brother, text messages show." 

You know it’s bad when I can quote the Post directly: "Chris Cuomo offered to draft statements for his brother to use to deny misconduct, demanded more influence over the strategy, and even researched potential news coverage and accusers for the governor’s office." 

A network anchor researched women who accused his brother of sexual harassment. The same anchor who led CNN’s campaign to promote his brother throughout 2020.  

Of course, the broadcast networks did a rotten job with the latest part of the ongoing fiasco. CBS ignored it entirely and ABC skipped any mention of Chris Cuomo, their former employee. Only NBC told viewers what was really happening – explaining about "news anchor Chris Cuomo's role in defending his brother." 

In March, Chris Cuomo told his viewers he would avoid doing stories about his brother’s scandal, noting, "obviously, I cannot cover it because he is my brother." 

Except such journalistic niceties never bothered him before. Chris served as the PR team for the governor during COVID and did everything but nominate him for a Nobel prize. In the most embarrassing incident, he pulled out a massive swab, probably from CNN’s prop department, and asked if it was "the actual swab that was being used to fit up that double-barrel shotgun that you have mounted on the front of your pretty face?" 

Chris, naturally, pushed his brother to run for president. Of course he did.  

The whole mess does more damage to CNN, which fully supported the Cuomos’ TV love fest and buried this scandal. Stelter defended Cuomo and rationalized the network’s inaction. In August, he said, "This has been a conundrum for CNN that has no perfect answer, no perfect solution," during his show "Reliable Sources." 


Antiquity’s famed Gordian knot was a conundrum, too. Alexander the Great solved it by cutting all ties. That’s something CNN has resisted up to this point.  

It’s long past time for CNN to cut him off.