Capri Cafaro: Fair and festival season gives 2020 hopefuls a chance to meet and greet -- and eat!


The first primary debate is what usually marks the kickoff of a presidential cycle – and the Democrats held theirs last week – but another, and just as important campaign kickoff starts now with the July 4th holiday … It is officially fair and festival time across the country!

From sea to shining sea, politicians of all stripes will descend upon fairgrounds and attempt to look “real” as they meet and greet and eat – lots.


The holy grail of state fairs for aspiring presidents has been the Iowa State Fair, ever since President Dwight D. Eisenhower made a visit to the event back in 1954.   For over 60 years now, presidential hopefuls have lined up to eat fried food, ride bumper cars, drink beer and admire butter sculptures in the state that just so happens to host the first-in-the-nation caucus.

There are any number of major political get-togethers anchored around food that are must-attend events for candidates. In Iowa, it’s not only the State Fair, but Steak Fry, too! For almost 40 years, former Democratic Sen. Tom Harkin hosted his annual steak fry until his retirement in 2014. Now the Polk County Iowa Democrats have taken over, and so far 20 of the 24 Democrats running for president this cycle have confirmed for this year’s Polk County Steak Fry.

Fair and festival season has been my favorite time of year ever since I first ran for office 15 years ago. 

For South Carolina Democrats, it’s Congressman Jim Clyburn’s famous fish fry that has been a staple of the campaign calendar since 1992.  This year, 22 of the 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls made the pilgrimage to last month’s fish fry to meet and greet and eat with close to 2,000 South Carolina voters.

Some presidential candidates take it upon themselves to organize food-focused events. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., for instance, has organized ice cream socials in places like New Hampshire, Iowa and Illinois to bring people together. I can only speculate that Vermont-based Ben & Jerry’s ice cream is the inspiration behind the Vermont senator’s love of the frost dessert.

And seriously, who can blame the candidates for jumping on the fair bandwagon? Fair and festival season has been my favorite time of year ever since I first ran for office 15 years ago.  I’ve judged 4-H barns, entered my own pies, and even bought livestock during my days as a candidate and elected official.  I always had a blast.


I sure hope these presidential candidates take this opportunity to not only savor the grease and deliciously fried everything – but also take it as a chance to show voters who they really are rather than who they think voters want them to be.

Happy 4th of July!


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