Brexit vote: People, we've just watched the mainstream media lose its head

File photo - A vote remain supporter walks past a vote leave supporter outside Downing Street in London, Britain June 24, 2016 after Britain voted to leave the European Union. (REUTERS/Kevin Coombs)

The news media just love democracy – as long as those ignorant voters do what they’re told. When they don’t, you get what pretended to be the news coverage of Brexit. Biased would be an understatement.

The United Kingdom voted to ditch the European Union in the biggest English divorce since Charles and Diana. The media on this side of the pond did everything it could from outright errors to bias to make the Brexit result look bad and highlight voter regret or “Regrexit” as it is now called. Leave supporters were either racist, “xenophobic” or just old people who needed to get out of the way for their globalist betters.

ABC, CBS and NBC asked if voters were sorry about their vote to Leave, highlighted a now-discredited petition calling for yet-another referendum and quoted people who were supposedly opposed to the victory they had just achieved. In eight evening broadcasts from Friday through Sunday, the networks emphasized regret in seven of them. That’s 88 percent and almost as much regret as moviegoers had for seeing "Jupiter Ascending." ABC’s "World News Tonight" warned of “more anti-immigrant sentiments” and finding voters with “Bregrets.”

Friday morning, after the vote heard round the world, ABC’s "Good Morning America" hid a key fact from its viewers – that Obama had threatened UK voters to stay in or they would “be in the back of the queue” for trade deals. "CBS This Morning’s" Charlie Rose was more honest, noting, “President Obama visited in April and urged voters to stay in Europe.”

Imagine that result after a presidential election. Picture 2008, after newly elected President Obama won in a divided national vote 53 percent to 46 percent. Imagine journalist after journalist running around the country interrogating Obama girls and guys and asking if they were willing to admit they were wrong.

CNN was more of the same. Liberal anchor Christiane Amanpour was even worse than usual. Amanpour defaulted to the standard liberal argument – conservatives are racist and said the vote was an example of “xenophobia” and “white identity” politics.

Her killer quote is already make the rounds for its bias and stupidity: “A lot of the Leave movements are led by the hard-right, very, very xenophobic, anti-immigrant, very populist, nationalist, white identity politics.

CNN host Fareed Zakaria complained “the people who wanted Britain to leave were entirely using emotion,” while the good guys in the media “have a bias in favor of facts.”

When journalists weren’t saying Leave voters were racist, they mocked them for being old. This age-ist refrain cropped up across the media landscape, as if older people had no right to vote, even though many had lived in the UK before it joined the EU. Journalists from Huffington Post to CNBC mocked older voters as “granny” and said it gave “baby boomers one more chance to wreck the global economy.”

It wouldn’t be a full-on media freakout without celebrities. Stars from author J.K. Rowling to actress Lindsay Lohan voiced their anger. Liberal director Michael Moore begged the EU to “take us!” instead of the UK.

Singer Ellie Goulding, the voice of “Love Me Like You Do” and “Burn,” seemed especially over-the-top: “I truly believe this is one of the most devastating things to happen during my lifetime. I felt a fear I've never felt this morning,” she Tweeted. I’m guessing Ellie, who performed at the wedding reception for Prince William and Kate Middleton, hasn’t had a very hard life.

A few in the media bucked the liberal tide. CNBC On Air Editor Rick Santelli, famed for his 2009 Tea Party rant, celebrated the UK’s “backbone” for heading “down the right road.” Santelli summed up Brexit nicely: “It’s tea time in London!”

Meanwhile most journalists in this country were caught hanging out at Starbuck’s instead.

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