Bizarre coincidence -- Democrats get more time in all three debates

Oct. 16, 2012: President Barack Obama addresses members of the audience during the second presidential debate with Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney at Hofstra University. (AP/Reuters Pool)

If you want more time to get your message out in debates, it’s good to be a Democrat.

According to the CNN debate clock, President Obama spoke at greater length than Mitt Romney during both debates, as did Vice President Biden during his debate with Paul Ryan.

In the first debate, Obama spoke for 3 minutes, 14 seconds more than Romney — which means he got 8 percent more talking time than Romney.

In last night’s debate, Obama spoke for 4 minutes and 18 seconds longer than Romney, giving him 11 percent more talking time. Obama talked for 52 percent of the time when either man had the floor, while Romney talked for 47 percent.

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