Bill and Hillary hit the road – To the White House?

Bill and Hillary Clinton (2016 Getty Images)

They’re back!

This tour is remarkable. The performers are in their 70s and have been in the public spotlight for decades, yet they still generate enthusiasm from millions of old fans and new ones, who pack arenas to see them.

Yes, bring on the Rolling Stones and their 2019 tour!

Oh, wait. You thought I was talking about the current Bill and Hillary Clinton tour? Well, it’s not nearly as exciting, but we can take a look at that if you really want to.

Bill and Hillary are on the road touring as the happy and insightful couple they have never actually been. They opened their “An Evening with the Clintons” tour on Tuesday night in Toronto, where they sold about 3,300 tickets in a 19,000-seat arena.

Not all was lost, however. Some audience members even managed to remain awake for the entire presentation.

So, what is America’ favorite political couple up to?

Forgive me for speculating that this is about more than just a way for the former first couple to feel the adrenaline rush experienced by having small gatherings of people hear them drone on and on in largely empty arenas.

No, the Clintons are up to something and I think it is transparent: Hillary is going to run for president again.

As the Rolling Stones said in one of their most famous songs: “You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you might find, you get what you need.”

We all know Hillary wants to be president. She needs to be president. So why not try a third time to become president?

You can just picture the two-time losing presidential candidate singing lyrics from another Rolling Stones hit: “If you start me up I'll never stop, never stop, never stop, never stop.”

You can just picture the two-time losing presidential candidate singing lyrics from another Rolling Stones hit: “If you start me up I'll never stop, never stop, never stop, never stop.”

Hillary is undoubtedly clinging to the notion that the third time is a charm for her desire to get back to the White House – not as a presidential spouse, but as president. The first woman president, who will go down in history doing what no woman has ever done.

Her take-away from two stunning defeats is that she has been a victim and she has been cheated.

She can never allow herself to admit she just simply lost.

We have seen many times before the story of the “star” who hangs on too long. It’s the quarterback who stays too many years and ends up disgraced and on the bench. It’s the crooner who is up on stage forgetting the lyrics to the song he has sung thousands of times. It’s the movie star who has undergone so much cosmetic surgery that she comes to look like a caricature of herself.

And it’s Hillary Clinton. Needing to still be out there trying to win votes because she knows she was destined to be president and has been unjustly denied.

There would be a sadness to this if it weren’t for the truly nefarious nature of the Clinton family. It is extraordinary to look back upon their years in public life and realize just how openly corrupt they have been.

It is just as extraordinary to look back upon all of it and realize there are still a good number of Americans who actually support both Bill and Hillary and believe in them as leaders.

The Clintons don’t have the same fan base as the Rolling Stones, but they do have a base.

Yet being a typical liberal should make it impossible to be a supporter of the Clintons in general and Hillary in particular. If you are against military intervention, as most liberals are, then you cannot forgive Bill Clinton’s intervention and reckless use of the American military in Somalia or Bosnia-Herzegovina.

If you are a feminist, you cannot forgive Bill for his various abuses of women and you can’t forgive Hillary for helping to cover them up and for actively leading the charge to smear his accusers.

If you are passionate about the wrongness of Russian collusion, then you cannot back Bill and Hillary for their combined use of the Clinton Foundation and the State Department to help funnel United States uranium into Russian President Vladimir Putin’s control.

If you are a person of color, you cannot forgive Hillary for only weeks ago saying in an interview, “Yeah, I know they all look alike” when an interviewer mixed up Sen. Cory “Spartacus” Booker, D-N.J., with former Obama administration Attorney General Eric Holder – both of whom are black.

So, as liberals, Americans really can’t be supporters of Hillary Clinton. Yet many still are.

There are not enough of them for her to win, but there are enough of them still cheering that if she puts her ear to the wind she can faintly hear them calling “Run, Hillary. Run.”

Inspired and deluded by these words that helped Forrest Gump become famous, she will answer their call and give it one more go in 2020.

In the meantime, if you want tickets to see the Clintons on tour, I would be happy to trade you a block of 200 seats for one mid-level ticket to the Stones in Chicago this coming summer.

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