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Welcome to the Fox News Opinion Weekend Roundup. To receive this newsletter in your email, subscribe here.

HANNITY – Fox News host discusses the growing antisemitism in America and the pushback against the Israeli war efforts. Continue reading…

BARR AND BRANSTAD – Reject Biden's hysteria-based climate and energy mandates. Here's the sensible way forward. Continue reading…

WHAT ‘FRIENDS’ ARE FOR – Trying to make sense of Matthew Perry’s death. Continue reading…

GUTFELD – The left's built-in excuse for their failed ideas is white supremacy. Continue reading…

BIDEN FAMILY ‘LOANS’ – Congress owes it to the American people to learn the truth about the Biden family business. Continue reading…

RAYMOND ARROYO – Biden unveils AI protocols — but he may need some to finish his term. Continue watching…

THIS BUD'S STILL NOT FOR YOU – Bud Light, UFC deal reveal two possibilities of what's really going on. Continue reading…

HAMBURGLAR – The new way AOC is still coming for your hamburgers. Continue reading…

A MOTHER'S CONFESSION – How not to talk with your children about the Middle East crisis. Continue reading…

CARTOON OF THE DAY – Check out all of our political cartoons…

