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TUCKER CARLSON – Why we're paranoid about the American food supply… Continue reading… 

BIDEN IS COMING FOR YOUR JOB New regulations, leftist policies threaten your job and are part of Biden’s anti-business agenda… Continue reading…

WHAT I SAW IN UKRAINE – I just got back from a trip to western Ukraine. Don't underestimate country's determination to defeat Russia… Continue reading…

FROM JOURNALISM TO WOKE NEWSPEAK – The AP stylebook has become proof of media's decline from journalism into activism… Continue reading…

KEEP ON TRUCKIN' – I'm a successful female minority truck driver. California's AB5 forced me to leave the state I love Continue reading…

PRO-LIFE NURSE IN A BIND – Biden’s abortion mandates threaten pro-life VA nurse's job, but she isn’t giving up… Continue reading…

WATCH: KIRK LIPPOLD –  McCarthy should 'absolutely' go to Taiwan… See the video

SEN. JOHN CORNYN – Time to get America's fiscal house in order: Here are the first steps… Continue reading…

MAKING A SPLASH – I am an 12x NCAA All-American swimmer. Female athletes should compete on the basis of sex, not gender…  Continue reading…  

VIDEO OF THE DAY – Fox News host Laura Ingraham says there are 'two camps' that make up America's stark divide... Watch now...

NYC MIGRANT MESS – Biden should deport illegal immigrants who refuse to leave Manhattan… Continue reading…

SEN. THOM TILLIS – I toured the southern border, and it's worse than you think… Continue reading…

WATCH: REP. GIMENEZ – Migrants refusing to leaving NYC hotel shows ‘entitlement’… See the video… 

TRANSFORMATIONAL MOMENT – I was ready to kill myself after getting PTSD fighting in Afghanistan. Here’s what turned everything around… Continue reading… 

CARTOON OF THE DAY – Amtrak Joe Check out all of our political cartoons...

