Biden's big lies, Uvalde wake up call and more Fox News Opinion

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TUCKER CARLSON – These questions about the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas need answers… Continue reading…

BIDEN'S BIG LIES HURT AMERICA – President Biden continues to share dishonest messages about crime and race in our country… Continue reading…

UVALDE WAKE UP CALL – There is a role for security hardware and products in our schools. However, these items are only as strong as the weakest human link behind them. Continue reading…

GREG GUTFELD – Broken homes are creating broken people. Continue reading…

TEAM BIDEN'S SOFT APPROACH TO CHINA IS SINISTER – Is Secretary of State Antony Blinken is thinking of resigning soon? Continue reading…

VIDEO OF THE DAY – Sean Hannity responds to the president's remarks on the Second Amendment and says Biden doesn't care about the facts because he's looking for a political win. Watch now...

GREGG JARRETT – Michael Sussmann acquitted by a jury of Hillary Clinton's peers… Continue reading…

UKRAINE'S COURAGE Ukraine's leadership against Russian brutality offers 6 key lessons on how to fight Putin and Xi that democratic nations should embrace. Continue reading…

FREEDOM'S DARK SIDE Both left and right are responsible for our lack of action on mass shootings. Continue reading…

CARTOON OF THE DAY – Mission Accomplished. Check out all of our political cartoons...

Mission Accomplished 06.01.22

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