Gov. Mike Huckabee on Biden’s sexual assault allegation
Fox News contributor and former Arkansas Republican Governor Mike Huckabee joins ‘Watters’ World.’
Establishment media and the Democratic Party's conspicuous lack of interest in sexual harassment and assault allegations made by a former Senate staffer against former Vice President Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, speaks volumes.
It tells us how dangerously politicized sexual harassment and the #MeToo movement has become.
We're seeing this unfold before our eyes as U.S. senators such as Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Kamala Harris, D-Calif., Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., and many other members of the Democratic Party have endorsed Joe Biden for president while ignoring the serious sexual assault allegations and criminal complaint filed last week by Tara Reade. Reade alleges that while a Senate aide in 1993, her then-boss, Biden, sexually harassed and assaulted her, something Biden's campaign has denied.
Now, if you'll recall back in 2018, Democrats insisted we "believe all women" during Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court justice confirmation hearings. Despite the four-decade-old unsubstantiated allegations that were lobbed against Kavanaugh by Christine Blasey Ford and others -- later debunked or disproven by an FBI investigation -- the Democratic media machine relentlessly smeared Kavanaugh, raking him over the coals throughout the kangaroo court hearings broadcast into America's living rooms.
In lockstep, the entire Democratic establishment -- and complicit left-wing media -- believed his questionable accusers from the get-go and vociferously defended them, no vetting of the allegations required. Kavanaugh, a widely respected judge who earned a sterling reputation as an upstanding public servant spanning decades, was guilty until proven innocent.
Due process be damned.
When asked at the time about the uncorroborated allegations Ford made against Trump's conservative Supreme Court pick, Biden told reporters, "Oh, I thought she was telling the truth at the beginning." He added, "For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally, you've got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she's talking about is real, whether or not she forgets facts, whether or not it's been made worse or better over time."
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Now contrast that with the sexual harassment and assault allegations being made against Biden today by Reade. Warren, Harris and Klobuchar aren't running to Reade's defense, nor are any of these phony liberal "feminists" calling for an investigation. Not a chance, given they're all vying to be Biden's pick for vice president.
Are House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., or other high-ranking members of the Democratic Party calling for an investigation or rushing to Reade's defense? Far from it.
To say there's a double standard is an understatement that should alarm every fair-minded American.
What we're witnessing is if any woman comes forth with sexual misconduct allegations against President Trump or anyone associated with him or the Republican Party, then Democrats and unethical media are quick to pounce and exploit the situation for political gain.
You can bet the farm they'll run defense for the accusers regardless of how outrageous, farcical or flimsy the allegations may be. But when there's a high-powered Democrat involved, like Biden, who's their only hope to remove the president from power -- something they've been desperately trying to do since his inauguration -- they'll turn a blind eye.
Yet, by doing so, they've lost the moral authority to lecture the nation on important women's issues surrounding sexual harassment. Reade is an alleged victim, yet, thanks to unscrupulous politicians and dishonest media, she is being left out in the cold.
This is something voters ought to consider when casting ballots in November.