5 ways to prepare your heart and soul for Christmas before December 25

Before Christmas, Christians around the world observe Advent and prepare to welcome Jesus

Christmastime is here. 

Actually, it’s been here for a while if we’re being honest. 

Unlike previous generations who waited until after Thanksgiving to trim the tree, hang stockings, put up lights, and transform their homes into a veritable winter wonderland, these days the yuletide season seems to kick off when the clock strikes midnight on November 1st. Which is all well and good, unless you celebrate Advent, which traditionally happens in the four weeks leading up to Christmas. 

Candles lit on Christmas advent wreath with red berries and evergreen boughs, all four candles lit (iStock)

If you’re not too familiar with Advent, historically it’s a time of anticipating, waiting, and preparing one’s heart for the coming of Christ. In the same way that the Israelites longed for a Messiah to deliver them from their enemies thousands of years ago, Advent reminds the world that God delivered on his promise by sending his Son to redeem the world from its greatest enemy–sin. Unfortunately, this beautiful tradition can become lost as our lives move from event to event in a mad rush of holiday flurry. 


So what are some ways that you can lean into Advent that will add some richness and depth to a busy season that threatens to drown you in a sea of tinsel, turkey, and toys? 

1. Create Rhythms of Rest

Be intentional about setting aside pockets of time for personal rest, reflection, and renewal. Advent is a time to pause and remember, but most of us need to create those moments or they will just never happen. 

Creating rhythms of rest provides your mind space to reflect on what’s important, to give thanks for all that God has provided, and experience a refreshed and renewed heart as you enter back into the hustle and bustle. 

2. Manage Your Social Media Intake

I’m not going to lie. I love reading social media posts from my friends, perusing my laptop for holiday shopping sales, and scrolling through Instagram to check out everyone’s holiday decor. But at some point I need to disengage for my mental and physical well being, and...so do you. 

Creating rhythms of rest provides your mind space to reflect on what’s important, to give thanks for all that God has provided, and experience a refreshed and renewed heart as you enter back into the hustle and bustle. 

So do your best to be intentional about managing your social media intake. Shutting down your laptop and putting your phone away for even short periods of time during the day will provide your head and heart opportunities to reimagine the astonishing truths of the Advent season

3. Reschedule Your Schedule

Although it doesn’t always feel this way, you are actually the only person in the world who has control of your schedule. So take a hard look at your calendar, and feel the freedom to reschedule your schedule! 


Unbusy your day, declutter your hours, and don’t be afraid to move appointments or cancel events for the sake of establishing better margins for you and your family. If there is something in your life that can wait, remove it from the calendar so that you can shift your focus to waiting on something even better, which is what Advent is all about. 

4. Generate Some Generosity

We all know Christmas is the time for giving, but it can so easily become a season of self-indulgence if we’re not careful. The message of Advent is that God gave his son Jesus to establish "peace for all those with whom he is pleased" (Luke 2). 


One of the ways we lean into the heart of Advent is by generating generosity for others. When you create rhythms of rest, manage your social media intake, and reschedule your busy schedule, you will have time to shift your focus to those you can bless with your time, talent, and resources.   

5. Dive Into A Devotional 

Advent devotionals are a fantastic way for you and your family to become reoriented with the message of Christmas. My 25-day devotional, "The God Who Is With Us" provides daily readings that allow you to pause and ponder the good news of Christ’s coming, with space at the end to pray, journal your thoughts, and discuss with your family. 


I hope these suggestions rekindle your imagination and inspire you to lean into Advent this season, but I have to say, there’s something much better than five steps to help provide you with the peace you long for. It’s a person, his name is Jesus, and he was born on Christmas day to save us all from Satan’s power as we were gone astray. Tidings of comfort and joy come to all those who put their trust in Him.

So Merry Christmas, if there ever was one...and there is. 

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