Whistleblower who exposed Facebook's plan to censor content speaks out
Morgan Kahmann was suspended from his job after revealing the Big Tech giant's plans surrounding the vaccine
Mark Zuckerberg and other top executives at Facebook were caught bashing the leakers who exposed the company's "vaccine hesitancy" censorship efforts last week to Project Veritas in another leak to Project Veritas.
"So Project Veritas posted another video based on leaked materials that expose our colleagues' names and also put them at risk," Facebook's internal communications director Melinda Davenport began the conversation during a virtual Q&A session after acknowledging she had seen many inquiries from Facebook staffers on the subject. "So what are we doing to actually stop leakers? And how are we keeping our colleagues safe?"
"There were a lot of questions that we get a lot of the time around, you know, when people leak stuff, ‘do we find them?’" Zuckerberg chimed in. "And I've been clear that we have a number of efforts to find people and we terminate people and pursue the recourse that we have when we identify them. And in this case, we did find them."
"It's kind of the flip side of the coin for having an open culture is we can be open and we can share a lot of stuff, but we also need to be very good at rooting out people who are leaking stuff," Zuckerberg continued. "I think over the last year there have been more leaks than I think all of us would have wanted but we also, you know, find a lot of the folks and terminate them."
Heidi Swartz, Facebook's deputy general counsel who focuses on employment law and investigations, shared that Facebook has a "zero tolerance" policy when it comes to leakers that are found, which means firing them and considering taking "legal action."
"Project Veritas released a video last week alleging that they had uncovered a new effort to censor vaccine concerns globally. It was based on leaked documents about a health integrity program that we have in place that combats vaccine hesitancy by taking a hard stance against vaccine information- misinformation," Swarts attempted to recap the leaks to staff.
Swartz insisted this wasn't a "new effort" and that Facebook had "proudly spoken" about it publicly on its blog. She also stressed that the real "damage" was done by exposing names of the employees who oversaw the vaccine hesitancy program.
"Once documents are out of the company, it's very hard for us to control what happens to them. It's hard for us to control what media outlets are gonna do with them. And they almost always include employee names," Swartz explained. "So leaking really puts our colleagues at risk. And the same is true when employees leak our Q&As. When these things happen to our employees, our Legal and HR and Global Security teams support them that we want to ensure people's safety. But as you can imagine, this is incredibly upsetting and very distressing for our colleagues."
Swartz was "happy to confirm" that Morgan Kahmann, a data center technician who leaked the vaccine hesitancy documents to Project Veritas, was fired last week and that "we're also continuing to investigate additional potential leakers."
"One thing this case does show, though, is that leaks are always bad for the company," Swartz continued. "They threaten our open culture, as Mark said. They make it harder for us to achieve our goals. And they generally encourage more leaks… I know that some people here feel there are good leaks and there are bad leaks. But they're all damaging and they're not the right way to bring about change, especially in a company like this where people are free to share their opinion and to raise questions to Mark here at Q&As."
She added, "You may think you're leaking because you want to hold leadership accountable or that you're on the right side of history, but that is very subjective and you may not have all the information to make that call."
Facebook did not immediately respond to Fox News' request for comment.
Last week, Project Veritas released internal documents explaining "Vaccine Hesitancy Comment Demotion" which shows the "goal" is to "drastically reduce user exposure to vaccine hesitancy."
Another leaked document addressed "Borderline Vaccine (BV) Framework" that delves into how to classify such content with another expressed "goal" to "identify and tier the categories of non-violating content that could discourage vaccination in certain contexts, thereby contributing to vaccine hesitancy or refusal," adding "We have tiered these by potential harm and how much context is required in order to evaluate harm."
Kahmann, who initially came forward anonymously until he revealed his identity after his suspension, told Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe during an interview that the consequences of Facebook's actions and the ramifications if such practices are made across tech giants are "way worse than anything that can happen from me getting fired from my job."
In response to the leaked documents, Facebook told Project Veritas, "We proactively announced this policy on our company blog and also updated our help center with this information."