Fox News host Jesse Watters told viewers on Wednesday's "Jesse Watters Primetime" that the Left "lost the battle" with Twitter, adding that Elon Musk's purchase of the social platform will make it "fair and balanced." 

JESSE WATTERS: These people have no idea that this is how capitalism works. When people have money that they earned by selling a product, producing a service — they use it to buy things. And then they own those things. And you can scream and cry and you can't get it back. Elon Musk bought Twitter. It's his now. That is a fact. You cannot go back. 

Elon Musk, twitter

(Photo by Britta Pedersen-Pool/Getty Images) (Photo by Britta Pedersen-Pool/Getty Images)

But let's be honest, a lot of these weaklings can't be saved. They're too far gone. Ninety-nine percent of donations from Twitter's workforce went to Democrats. You can find more conservatives at Brown University than you can at Twitter. They created this little echo chamber where only one train of thought is allowed. And now that echo chamber has been blown up. The safe space is gone. There is nowhere to hide. But that won't stop them from trying. Take a look at what Democrat Sen. Ed Markey did today. He's calling for new laws to promote algorithmic justice. You know, the algorithms, that's the secret sauce that rigged the platform against us conservatives. I hope Musk opens the books and exposes it all. But Congress says they need oversight — Elon's too racist, he can't be trusted.


Playing the race card is the last bastion of the foolish and defeated. They lost the battle. Twitter will no longer do the bidding of the far-Left. It's going to be fair and balanced. Never heard that before? Censoring conservatives and protecting Democrats. Not going to happen. That means Democrats, liberal TV hosts, Twitter employees are going to start seeing a lot of things they don't like. And that's okay. They need to know how everybody else outside their little echo chamber feels besides how the women's studies majors feel at these East Coast newspapers. They need to know their safe spaces are making them softer and more naive, and they need to face adversity if they want to be a generation at all.