Watters: Canada and Mexico are 'losing their minds'

He called the countries 'communists' and 'cannibals'

Jesse Watters outed Canada and Mexico as bad neighbors for the United States in Tuesday's opening monologue of "Jesse Watters Primetime."

"Our neighbors, Canada and Mexico, are losing their minds, and we're stuck in the middle," he said. "But instead of clowns and jokers, we've got communists to the left and cannibals to the right. When did America become the middle seat of the worst car ride imaginable?"

"Up north, Justin Trudeau's looking to turn the Maple Leaf on Canada's flag into a communist hammer and sickle," which Watters did not find surprising given his "longtime" admiration of China and totalitarianism.

He "was bullied into action [against the Freedom Convoy] by a fearful Joe Biden, who was worried" about an American convoy.


As a result, Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act on Monday for the first time in the country's history. Watters noted that the Canadian government did not see fit to invoke during the Black Lives Matter riots, COVID-19 pandemic or War on Terror.

"Never once did they play the Emergencies Act card. But this week it's being used to squash political opponents," he said. "This is a level of crackdown that would make even Xi Jinping jealous."

He reported that the act was designed for "real emergencies" such as civil unrest, natural disasters and war. 

Also in Canada, financial institutions have been instructed to examine their relationships with the convoy's truckers and report them to the government. Banks or other financial services providers can now instantly suspend or freeze an account without a court order.

"Is this Canada or Cuba?" Watters asked. "They can freeze your money in your bank account if they think you're supporting civil disobedience and you can't say anything about that or do anything. This is the straight-up Soviet Union playbook."

" … [T]hey'll take your hard-earned cash, disperse it how they see fit, and then say you're no better than a terrorist."

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.  (Photo by DAVE CHAN/AFP via Getty Images)

President Joe Biden.  (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

A sign just on the other side of the border fence warns of trespassing in Brownsville, Texas.  (Photo by JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images)

In Mexico, "it only gets worse."

The Fox News host shared that the U.S. Border Patrol apprehended a drug smuggler in Arizona bringing $85,000 in fentanyl across the border.

Fentanyl overdoses are the United States' top cause of death among 18- to 45-year-old adults, he said, killing more than cancer, car accidents and COVID-19. Almost 80,000 such adults have died due to fentanyl overdoses in 2020 and 2021.

"That's enough bodies to fill up the Dallas Cowboys' stadium," Watters remarked. "But has Joe ever made his way down to the Rio Grande to see this carnage firsthand? Of course not. Maybe he's actually scared of the cartels."

"This is actual cannibalism, and our only defense is an incomplete border wall that Biden refuses to finish," Watters said, suggesting a wall along the northern border too. 


"There's room for a few more stars on the flag, and we can't have cannibals as neighbors. [It's] just not a good look. And it's starting to hurt our property value." 

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