Jesse Watters and the panel on "The Five" reacted to the prospect of President Biden announcing new quarantine orders for traveling American citizens, amid expectations his Thursday coronavirus mitigation remarks will also include stricter testing mandates.

Biden is reportedly expected to announce an extremely strict testing regimen for U.S. citizens traveling by air, as well as a potential mandatory week-long quarantine for any American citizen flying home, according to a report from the Washington Post.

The quarantine would be mandatory and enforced by "fines and penalties" regardless of whether an administered test finds the subject is not infected with the virus, the Post report said. The Post clarified that the quarantine order was not in a "draft" obtained by the paper "but could be added later if the proposals win broader sign-off."

U.S. President Joe Biden gives a speech in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building’s South Court Auditorium at the White House in Washington, U.S., November 23, 2021. REUTERS/Evelyn Hockstein

U.S. President Joe Biden gives a speech in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building’s South Court Auditorium at the White House in Washington, U.S., November 23, 2021. REUTERS/Evelyn Hockstein

Watters said Wednesday that he often travels to Europe on vacation and finds the potential mandatory stateside quarantine a ridiculous overreach.

"If I come back … and I have vaxxed. I have been boosted and I have tested negative, I get on the plane and touch down at JFK and I have to quarantine for seven days and not go to work," he said. "It sounds… crazy. Luckily the country is not full with a lot of international travelers."

"You have to be scratching your head because they’re letting COVID caravans from countries cross over [the southern border] with vax rates in the single digits."

(RIGHT:  (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) CENTER: Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images) LEFT: AP Photo/Evan Vucci))

Watters noted that many illegal immigrants are not only being let in untested and unvaccinated but that Biden is clandestinely putting them on American buses and planes and transporting them to Florida, Tennessee, New York, and elsewhere.

"You can’t double-bolt your front door and leave your back door wide open. Everybody understands that except Joe Biden," he said.


When host Dana Perino listed off the instances of Biden's previous mandates being either stayed or knocked down by federal courts – including blocking states from using American Rescue Plan funds to lower taxes, reinstituting the Trump-era Remain In Mexico policy for migrants and workplace vaccine mandates – Watters concluded it shows the president is collectively "bumbling" in his response.