Young voters rally behind Virginia's governor-elect Glenn Youngkin, being the first Republican to hold the office in over ten years, for his stance on various issues, including education, tax reform, and police funding.

College students Emma Davis, Eric Potter, and Spencer Hudson joined "Fox & Friends First" on Wednesday to discuss what issues matter to them and why they cast their ballot for Youngkin. 


"So I like that he has this plan about keeping politics out of education and focusing on what the parents want to do," Potter explained. 

"I thought it was really cool to be able to go out and vote for what I believe in, because it's actually becoming more relevant to my life as I get older and as I go through college and hopefully graduate and have a nice career one day."

Potter continued, "I think that Youngkin is going to help me through the process the best."

Virginia Gov.-elect Glenn Youngkin arrives to speak at an election night party in Chantilly, Va., early Wednesday, Nov. 3, 2021, after he defeated Democrat Terry McAuliffe. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Virginia Gov.-elect Glenn Youngkin arrives to speak at an election night party in Chantilly, Va., early Wednesday, Nov. 3, 2021, after he defeated Democrat Terry McAuliffe. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

The Fox News Decision Desk predicted a Youngkin victory Tuesday night, defeating his opponent Terry McAuliffe in the highly contentious gubernatorial race. 

Many analysts suggest Youngkin's win could be a prelude for midterms in 2022, as many critics across the nation have grown disgruntled over Democratic policies regarding crime, the economy, and parental influence in education. 

Davis, also a first-time voter and college student, highlighted the importance of education in the race, saying Youngkin has the "best interest" of Virginians in mind on the issue. She also reiterated the importance of sufficient funding for the police, and an affordable cost of living. 


"I come from a law enforcement family, so him supporting the police was a big thing for me," Potter stated. "We all know college is not cheap. So if he can kind of cut back on the cost of living on something, I'll get behind [it]." 

Hudson also weighed in on the cost of living and education, arguing Youngkin was the best candidate for Virginians on the issues. 

"I voted for Youngkin because he was for some things, that I think we can all get behind: funding the police, funding public schools, getting rid of the grocery tax," Hudson explained. "I attended two of his rallies and I can honestly I didn't see any negative with him."