Simmering controversy surrounding Hunter Biden's laptop came to a full boil as media outlets began to acknowledge the scandal's legitimacy. 

Among the outlets is The Washington Post, which elected to address the email scandal they once called "fake" by publishing a lengthy report on Wednesday, confirming that over 22,000 of the emails that tie Hunter Biden to CEFC China Energy are in fact legitimate.

Now reactions populate Twitter in response to the dramatic change from dismissal to approval, with columnists, radio hosts and editors alike slamming The Post for their delayed acceptance. 

"WaPo publicity department just sent two *press releases* on Hunter Biden. One confirming laptop emails are authentic and another on his corrupt China dealings. Suddenly newsworthy after 18 months of suppression???" columnist Phil Kerpen wrote in a tweet the same day. 


Hunter Biden walks to Marine One on the Ellipse outside the White House May 22, 2021, in Washington, DC. (Photo by Brendan Smialowski / AFP) (Photo by BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images)

Hunter Biden walks to Marine One on the Ellipse outside the White House May 22, 2021, in Washington, DC. (Photo by Brendan Smialowski / AFP) (Photo by BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images) (Photo by BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images)

Another tweet from radio host and columnist Clay Travis also noted the outlet's 18-month delay in casting a spotlight on the scandal.

"18 months after claiming Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation and refusing to cover the story @washingtonpost has now confirmed over 22,000 Hunter Biden laptop emails are real," he said.

"Will @nypost get a retroactive Pulitzer?" Travis added.

"Now that the WaPo and the NYT have authenticated the contents of Hunter’s laptop, don’t let them memory hole how the story was treated by the media a year ago," The Spectator World editor Melissa Chen wrote in her own response.

Chen also rhetorically asked if anyone from Twitter has been held accountable for "banning the story" and "locking" The New York Post's account for reporting on the scandal in 2020. 

Hunter Biden

The New York Times confirmed the authenticity of Hunter Biden's infamous laptop this week.   ((Randy Holmes via Getty Images))


"Again, WaPo’s admission that Hunter’s laptop was, in fact, legit is not the main point in all of this," Deputy Editor of Restoring America for The Washington Examiner Kaylee McGhee White said. "The main point is that WaPo and other legacy outlets waited more than a year to verify its legitimacy when they very easily could have done so back in October 2020."

The Post's report comes just days after The New York Times released its own report authenticating Hunter Biden's laptop.