Orwellian allegories continue to pour in after the Biden administration announced plans to create a new "Disinformation Governance Board" aimed at stifling disinformation that allegedly poses a homeland security threat, but one Twitter account took criticism a step further by employing clever satire.

"The clocks are striking thirteen. Welcome to the Ministry," a tweet from a satirical account called The U.S. Ministry of Truth reads.

The account, which takes a jab at the newfound power bestowed on Biden's Homeland Security Department by referencing the culture from George Owell's infamous "1984" novel, reeled in 150K+ followers in just a couple of days.

Attached to the tweet is a video compilation of discredited claims from various left-wing voices, including former President Barack Obama, Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson and U.S. Chief Medical Adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci – in an effort to highlight disinformation from the side of the political spectrum allegedly not suspect to the board's scrutiny.


An image of Nina Jankowicz from Twitter and a hand scrolling through 'fake news' 

An image of Nina Jankowicz from Twitter and a hand scrolling through 'fake news'  (Arkadiusz Warguła/iStock)

The account's bio takes another jab at the Biden administration's allegedly dystopian move, describing itself as, "The United States Ministry of Truth, established by the Biden Administration to combat disinformation from political dissidents."

Attached to the description is the Latin phrase "oderint dum metuant," meaning "let them hate, so long as they fear." 

References to Orwell's novel and Marxist sentiments emerge in multiple places, with the satirical "organization" listing its birth in 1984, publishing tweets which hint at punishment for dissent and other tweets which satirize progressive values. 

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas testifies

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas testifies before the House Judiciary Committee, on Capitol Hill, Thursday, April 28, 2022, in Washington.  ((AP Photo/Evan Vucci))

"Live, Laugh, Love us or face substantial prison time," one tweet reads. 

Another, mocking the progressive left's attempts to rebrand motherhood, says, "Birthing Person Day is less than a week away. I noticed you haven't bought anything yet."

Commenters took to the account, which exploded in unprecedented popularity in a short time, noting other lies from politicians on both the right and left. Some played along with the satire while others expressed their fear for what the new DHS board could mean.

The "Disinformation Governance Board," announced as a component of the Department of Homeland Security during a 2023 budget hearing on April 27, sent DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on a mission to complete some damage control – or clarification of the board's intent. 


During an appearance on "Fox News Sunday," Sec. Mayorkas admitted to Fox News' Bret Baier that the Biden administration "could have done a better job" explaining the board's mission to the public.

The board addresses "disinformation that presents a security threat to the homeland," Mayorkas elaborated.

"Disinformation from Russia, from China, from Iran, from the cartels," he specified.