Laura Ingraham was joined by former Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard on Wednesday after tech platforms flagged an earlier interview of Gabbard as "inappropriate and offensive." She told "The Ingraham Angle" host that big tech, social media giants and elites from both parties are "suppressing" her voice.

TULSI GABBARD: Normally, on average, videos that I post on Instagram get somewhere between 250–300,000 views, tens of thousands of likes. The video that I posted last night or early this morning got about 10 percent of that — 15,000, around 15,000 views, and a couple of thousand likes — and it is very clear that they are doing all they can to suppress my voice, suppress the message that I'm carrying out. And it just points to yet another example of this larger machine that is very clearly at work, that is controlling our marketplace of ideas. And this machine is made up of the power elite. It's made up of these big social media tech giants.