The storming and torching of a police precinct in Minneapolis on Thursday night, in reaction to George Floyd's death, was shocking, Tucker Carlson said Saturday night.

"A police station in a major American city was occupied and looted and burned. Most of us simply would never live to see something like that happen here. But it did happen," Carlson said on "Tucker Carlson Tonight."

"No one in authority seems especially interested in apprehending the people who did it. All of it happened on camera, but the perpetrators just walked away. And it's possible, maybe likely, that most them will never be punished for it. That's striking. It's a very different experience from the ones most Americans have living here."

"As Minneapolis burns and crowds grow in the streets of Atlanta and many other cities, the rest of us are continuing on, as we always do, dutifully following the rules," Carlson added.


Carlson talked about the two types of people in America , those who follow the rules and those who don't -- and right now the transgressors appear to have "all the power."

"We follow those rules to the letter. That's what we were told to do as children. That's the deal we've struck, which we thought it was," Carlson said. "Now we know that other people have somehow negotiated a far better deal than the one we have. They get to ignore the rules. They don't believe in order or fairness. They reject society itself. Reason and process and precedent mean nothing to them. They use violence to get what they want immediately."

"What you're watching is the ancient battle between those who have a stake in society and would like to preserve it and those who don't and seek to destroy it," Carlson said.

The host then made the point that law-abiding citizens are what fuels the country, but too often "the game is rigged" against them.

"We should've seen this coming when you would express an opinion our leaders don't like they call it violence when criminals commit actual acts of violence they call it speech. So the game is rigged," Carlson said. "Why are the rest of us still playing it? We have more power than we think we do. Our system only functions because dutiful, normal people, people with self-control and decency and above all, a sense of responsibility toward others created our system. They sustain the system. They pay the bills. None of the thugs looting Target or the well-paid nihilists on television who were egging them on have added to thing."


Carlson blasted political leaders, saying they have failed to be there for those who do adhere to the rules, accusing them of letting down their constituents.

"They'll feed you pointless symbolic victories and expect you to celebrate like you've actually won something," Carlson said. "But when the mob comes, they're gone. You're on your own. That's true. Those are the facts."