Tucker rips FBI's conduct in Flynn case: 'How the secret police operate in Third World dictatorships'

Tucker Carlson opened his program Thursday night by reacting to the release of documents that have many questioning the FBI's handling of former White House National Security Adviser Michael Flynn's case, with the "Tucker Carlson Tonight" host comparing America's federal law enforcement agency to "secret police ... in third world dictatorships."

"For reasons we still don't fully understand, Michael Flynn deeply offended permanent Washington somehow," Carlson said. "So they decided to destroy him. They pretended to believe he was a secret Russian agent, and then they entrapped him on a completely bogus perjury charge

"When he resisted, they threatened to hurt his son until he signed a confession," Carlson continued. "It sounds like something that happens in China. It happened here in the middle of our capital city, Washington."


Carlson specifically called out disgraced former FBI official Peter Strzok as "corrupt" for his actions in relation to Flynn.

"On January 4th, 2017 FBI agents decide to close their investigation of Michael Flynn and his ties to Russia. After much searching, they had found 'no derogatory information about Flynn.' So it was over. He was in the clear," Carlson explained. "But it wasn't over. Corrupt FBI official Peter Strzok demanded that the investigation stay open until the bureau could invent a crime and crush Michael Flynn in the end. That's what happened."

"There is nothing worse than this. It's how the secret police operate in Third World dictatorships," Carlson went on. "And it's exactly how Peter Strzok operated. And then he lied about it extensively."

Then turned to Strzok's former boss, FBI director James Comey. He played a clip of a 2018 discussion in which Comey casually discussed sending two FBI agents to interview Flynn at the White House four days after Trump's inauguration without consulting the White House Counsel's office. As Comey talked, members of the audience laughed at parts of the story.


"Destroying someone's life and destroying his family because they're in the way of the power you seek," Carlson said. "You would have to be a dark, cold person to chuckle about something like that. And Jim Comey definitely is the darkest and the coldest."

Carlson emphasized that he had no special relationship with Flynn motivating him to comment on the case.

"This isn't about one man," the host said. "It's about our country. You don't want to live in a society where the most powerful agency in government imprisons people."

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