Tucker Carlson blasts 'mindless and destructive measures' imposed in response to coronavirus

Tucker Carlson addressed some unanswered questions that have arisen from the coronavirus pandemic Friday, asking why America's leaders are making the choices they are during the crisis and questioning whether the country chose the right path in response.

"There's mounting evidence that an awful lot of people may have it and not know they do. They have no symptoms. But do they face long-term health consequences from being infected? And if so, what are those consequences? We can only guess," the "Tucker Carlson Tonight" host said. "Those are just some of the things that we still don't know about this strange new virus from Wuhan, China."


Carlson criticized some of the responses to the virus by government leaders, saying "it would have been nice if the authorities had learned a lot more about it before they took such dramatic steps in response to it.

"Our leaders had two examples to choose from as this pandemic bore down on our country," Tucker said. "They could have chosen the Swedish model of targeted restrictions coupled with voluntary distancing, or they could have chosen the Chinese model: Total lockdowns, internal travel restrictions, punishment for those who step out of line.

"Our leaders chose the Chinese model," Carlson went on. "With every passing day, the response becomes more restrictive.  Requests that people stay indoors have become orders that people stay indoors. People are being fined and arrested for driving alone, for playing catch in the park, for paddleboarding on the ocean. How are measures like that keeping us safe? The short answer is we have no idea that they are keeping us safe."

The host also voiced his dissatisfaction with the restrictions on celebrating Easter.

"For what has to be the first time in the history of this country, Easter services have been banned in many places, "Carlson said. "Authorities will allow citizens to go to the supermarket, but not to practice Christianity in public. The Chinese population would recognize that, too."


Carlson blasted some state leaders for punishing citizens who who don't adhere to the restrictions, including bans on shopping in certain sections of supermarkets.

"These are mindless and destructive measures," he concluded. "Instead of arresting people for going to church, maybe they could pause for a minute, dove into the science and answer a few of the most basic questions first."

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