Tucker warns America will face these three dangers after coronavirus pandemic passes

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The United States will not be the same following the coronavirus pandemic, Tucker Carlson said Tuesday.

Highlighting three areas that will likely change in the United States in light of the outbreak, the "Tucker Carlson Tonight" host said there will be "a lot of problems to fix" and identified three of the "biggest threats America is likely to face once this is over."

1. Global depression

The economic damage caused by the coronavirus could be significant enough to "wipe out the middle class," Carlson warned.

"The finance moguls will be fine no matter what happens to the economy. Not much changes for poor people, either. But the middle class? The middle class could be wiped out by what we are watching right now," he said.

"The middle class could be wiped out by what we are watching right now."

— Tucker Carlson 

"The service industry, middle management, small business, the independent contractors, people like those make this country work, and more importantly, they keep it stable. They are the ones in deepest peril tonight."

Carlson said a lasting hit to the middle class would result in an "impoverished country with a thin layer of rich people at the top."

"That's a recipe for suffering and for never-ending political volatility ... and suddenly, for the first time ever, it's a possibility here. Our first priority has to be preventing that or our grandchildren will regret it deeply."

2. China's economic dominance

China could emerge from the pandemic stronger than ever, and bring an end to American economic dominance, Carlson said.

"China ultimately is responsible for this virus. The threat extends far beyond the current pandemic. It's entirely possible that the Chinese coronavirus makes China stronger in the end, even as it weakens us in America," Carlson warned. "China already has a deeper manufacturing base than we do and has a far larger population ... soon it will have the biggest economy on earth."

"It’s entirely possible that we could wake up a few years from now and find China in charge."

— Tucker Carlson

"It’s entirely possible that we could wake up a few years from now and find China in charge," he added. "Now, we've been headed to this place for a while. The crisis that we’re currently going through could be enough to push us."

Carlson called for a plan to prevent China "from taking advantage of the chaos they that have unleashed and [that] we are suffering through."

3. The threat to freedom of conscience

Individuals' freedom of conscience is under attack from multinational tech monopolies, who have been controlling the stream of information about the coronavirus, Carlson said.

"As we do all we can to fight this pandemic, we should make sure we don't lose the most important part of our birthright as Americans ... the right to think and say what we believe is true," he added.

"As we do all we can to fight this pandemic, we should make sure we don't lose the most important part of our birthright as Americans."

— Tucker Carlson

"Freedom of conscience may be undervalued right now, but it underpins everything we have. It is the foundation of a free and decent society."


"It's not a small thing. It's a trend, collusion between big multinationals and authoritarian governments to make you obey," Carlson concluded. "t's not paranoid to talk. It's real. And you should worry about it.

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