Trey Gowdy warns of US port congestion, supply chain crisis for the holiday season

Secretary Buttigieg warns infrastructure crisis could continue for years

Fox News host Trey Gowdy spoke with Georgia Port Authority director Griff Lynch on the potential supply chain crisis that Americans could face in the coming months.

Gowdy began the segment talking about the energy crises that appears to be plaguing Europe and China that is contributing to the growing port congestion concerns facing the shipping industry.

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has been mostly silent on the matter, Gowdy provided a clip of Buttigieg where the secretary warned the problems could continue for years.


"These challenges are definitely going to continue in the months and years ahead," Buttigieg said. "This is one more reason why we do need to deliver this infrastructure package, so that we can have a more resilient, flexible physical infrastructure to support our supply chain in this country."

The "Sunday Night in America" host asked Lynch to explain in more detail what Buttigieg implied.

"What’s going on with the supply chain, we really need to take a look back a year and a half ago when foreign ports shut down because of COVID. The supply chain shut down. The supply chain is only so big, and that disruption is what we’re feeling today. We’re trying to force more cargo through the supply chain and it’s only so big and so resilient," Lynch explained.

He told Gowdy that he spoken with several agencies in the process of creating a "Supply Chain Relief Program" to help with issues.

"We think this is something that over the long haul could make a big difference. We think we could stand this up though short-term, the prototype, in the next 45 days," Lynch said.

Gowdy questioned whether this situation could be solved by passing President Biden’s trillion-dollar infrastructure plan as Buttigieg implied.

"The infrastructure bill may have merits or few merits, but I don’t know if they pass it tomorrow that that’s going to help kids get Christmas presents. I mean, government just doesn’t move that quickly, does it?" Gowdy asked.

Lynch agreed, noting that the issue comes more from a lack of workers than a lack of resources.

"Clearly what’s transpired is after the shutdown, the question is did everyone come back to their jobs? Did the truckers come back? Did the warehouse folks come back? And the answer is no they haven’t. So that is certainly contributing to what we’re seeing here," Lynch said.


Lynch emphasized the size of the issue, remarking that ports are now dealing with double the amount of backlogged containers.

"We’ve literally gone from 300 miles of containers last summer to 600 miles. That’s a big deal, and it’s creating congestion. We need to find ways to move the cargo," Lynch said.

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