Trey Gowdy: What can we learn and what can we change in the wake of another mass shooting?

Trey Gowdy says there are at least four areas worth examining, the weapon, the shooter, the place of the shooting and our culture

Fox News host Trey Gowdy reflects on the lessons our nation can learn after another mass shooting, on "Sunday Night in America."


TREY GOWDY: There's yet another classroom full of dead children and teachers. Will this time be different? History says no. We have lived through mass killings before. We have lived through murdered schoolchildren before. What did we learn? What changed? Did the pain hurt or did the pain alter? And even if we're open to change, the question is what and how and what would work? What's a real solution versus just another political argument? 

The solution has to do more than simply make us feel better. What works? What does the evidence say? There are at least four areas worth examining, the weapon, the shooter, the place of the shooting and our culture. Is there anything about our culture you would change to prevent the next mass killing? Can we stop glorifying violence? Can we stop glamorizing serial killers? What are we willing to do to make schools and churches and malls and workplaces safer? 

I don't want children and teachers in a fortress, but I prefer living in a fortress over dying in a classroom. What about the weapons and the characteristics of those weapons? Does self-defense really include unlimited magazine capacity. What about the shooters? Are there similarities among mass killers? We know they're males. What about age and background and family structure? Were there warning signs? Did someone miss those warning signs? There are already large categories of people who cannot lawfully possess any firearm. Does that group need to be expanded? Are those laws being enforced? 

If a felon cannot buy a gun in a store, why should that same felon be able to buy a gun in someone's den or living room? What law currently in existence, if enforced, would prevent mass killings? And what idea, not currently law, would prevent the next mass killing or reduce casualties? Most Americans do not and never will accept the mass killing of children as a consequence of living in a free society. We do not have to pick between the two. We are willing to change, so others can enjoy the freedom of simply staying alive, but we need to know what works. What could work? What proposed solution is causally connected to our desired outcome? The pain that hurts or the pain that alters? What are we willing to alter, to preserve the freedom to simply stay alive?



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