Trans woman shares her dating hardships: 'Men nowadays are expecting princess treatment'
Ali C. Lopez, a trans influencer, shares her struggles navigating the dating world in the modern age in an interview with Fox News Digital.
A transgender influencer whose image became a viral meme after appearing on a dating and relationships podcast is sounding the alarm about society being too "sensitive" and declining masculinity.
"I feel like [it's]… a little bit of an out-of-body experience, or you're just, like, there's, 'No way that's me.' It's a crazy feeling. And honestly, I'm still fairly new to [being viral]," said Ali C. Lopez in an interview with Fox News Digital about becoming an internet meme. "There's good, bad, exciting, nervous. It's just all over the place."
Lopez was once an obscure influencer and became the subject of a meme making fun of her appearance seemingly overnight after appearing on the podcast "Whatever" in which feminism, traditional values and gender roles are hotly debated.
The trans woman told Fox News Digital that dating in the modern age comes with its difficulties, including declining masculinity in society.

Ali C. Lopez rise to Internet stardom peaked during an episode from the "Whatever" podcast.
"It's getting out of control," Lopez said. For example, Lopez ideally wants to find someone who can handle things that have been ascribed in the past as traditionally masculine, like fixing a flat tire. But that's not easy to find these days, Lopez explained.
"At least for me, you better be able to do more than what my dad can do. Because if I have to call my dad to do something for me and not you. Why are you here?"
"I feel like a lot of [men] need to start being [men]. When it comes to the male world… men nowadays are expecting princess treatment," Lopez.
"I just see a lot of men expecting women in the relationship… to go above and beyond and like them to almost do nothing. …Even some of my friends… [I ask], ‘Why are you paying, covering this?’… At least be 50/50 [on paying for things]."
One of the most popular clips of Lopez on the internet is when she was asked to rate herself on a scale of attractiveness (1-10) during a "Whatever" episode.

Ali C. Lopez is a transgender influencer on TikTok who became an Internet meme. (Fox News Digital)
Lopez stated, "[I’m] a fat f---ing ten."
The moment catapulted Lopez to become the subject of a meme known as "Gorlock the Destroyer," which gained millions of views on TikTok and YouTube Shorts.
Lopez discussed having mixed feelings over the name "Gorlock the Destroyer."
"If I'm 100% honest, there are days where it still bothers me that I get called that... There was even a time I was like, 'should I just even embrace ['Gorlock the Destroyer'] at this point?' I don't even care."
Lopez described being different from her Gen Z peers, who may get triggered or shy away from debating issues surrounding gender identity. As long as there is respect, issues such as transgenderism should be able to be peacefully discussed, Lopez said.
"It's never sat right with me to just immediately throw labels [like calling someone transphobic]. To be like, 'You're this, and you're that and I don't like you because [we disagree]," Lopez said.

Ali C. Lopez is a transgender influencer on TikTok who became an Internet meme. (Adobe Stock)
"I just wish people were more patient on both ends," Lopez said. "I'm just a very patient and understanding person. And I've always been like that. And that's one of my values that I've always tried to put forward, in like any decision or person that I meet or anything."
Lopez said that young people don't respect that older generations may feel differently about transgender issues, and said that they should "give their parents a break."
"My elders didn't grow up in this generation where everything was so openly accepted… I can't blame them for having the mindset they do because they were brought up completely different from me," Lopez said. "They may not understand [me being transgender] sometimes, but I realized that I don't need them to understand it. I just need them to love me regardless."
"I feel like we live in a very sensitive society right now where it's almost like, ‘No babe, like chill out,'" Lopez said. "As long as people aren't being a------s to you, then it shouldn't be an issue."
Lopez added, "Especially when it comes to parents. I feel like, give your parents a break."