Fox Nation host Tomi Lahren slammed Joe Biden for failing to address the rising crisis in Afghanistan.

"In case you were wondering, the situation in Afghanistan has not gotten any better and has only gotten worse," she said. "The Taliban has overrun the country, the former Afghan leadership high-tailed it out of there, residents are desperately trying to flee and about 10,000 Americans are still stranded in that godforsaken desert." 

Lahren said Biden should have taken time to address the mounting crisis during a COVID update, but rather focused on "masking your children." 

"He walked off without taking a single question – a single freakin’ question – from the media and without addressing Afghanistan at all, whatsoever," she said. 

Lahren said that Biden’s performance has proven that he is "puppeteered and controlled" by the left, causing our enemies on the world stage to laugh in our face. 

She also criticized Biden for the failure of leadership that led to thousands of Americans being stranded in Afghanistan with little U.S. support, comparing the president to his predecessor, Donald Trump

"If President Trump was at the helm I can guarantee you the messaging out of the Trump White House would be a death warning to every single member of the Taliban should a single American be killed or harmed trying to evacuate," she said. 

"Everything about this administration is an utter disgrace and voters, I hope you are taking notes," she concluded. 

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