Today on Fox News, Oct. 17, 2019


On Fox News:

Fox & Friends, 6 a.m. ET:  Special guests include: FCC chairman Ajit Pai on the NBA-China feud; Bill Bennett, host of "The Wise Guys" on Fox Nation; Judge Andrew Napolitano, Fox News senior judicial analyst.

On Fox Business:

Mornings with Maria, 6 a.m. ET: Marc Benioff, founder, chairman and co-CEO of Salesforce

On Fox News Radio:

The Fox News Rundown podcast: "On the Front Lines in Syria" - Turkey has been attacking Kurdish forces for over a week. President Trump’s decision to withdraw U.S. troops from Northern Syria is still being criticized by both Democrats and Republicans. There’s now a diplomatic effort to stop the fighting. Fox News' Steve Harrigan is reporting from the war zone, and he discusses the devastation and how the people on the ground are reacting.

Also on the Rundown: Self-defense laws like “Stand Your Ground” and the “Castle Doctrine” have been put under the microscope lately due to fatal shootings. A recent study suggests the “Stand Your Ground” law specifically is linked to more violent crimes, including homicides. Florida constitutional attorney Eric Friday and President of Brady United Kris Brown debate whether these laws are actually protecting the public or causing more harm. Plus, commentary by Robby Soave, associate editor at

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