Today on Fox News, Oct. 14, 2019


On Fox News:

Fox & Friends, 6 a.m. ET:  Special guests include: U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., on legislation she plans to introduce imposing new sanctions on Turkey; U.S. Sen. Rand Paul and wife Kelley Paul; Kyle Carpenter, youngest living Medal of Honor recipient; Pastor Andrew Brunson, author of "God’s Hostage: A True Story Of Persecution, Imprisonment, And Perseverance";  U.S. Rep. Bradley Byrne, R-Ala., on legislation he is set to introduce calling for a formal investigation into Joe Biden.

On Fox Business:

Mornings with Maria, 6 a.m. ET: Judge Andrew Napolitano, Fox News senior judicial analyst.

On Fox News Radio:

The Fox News Rundown podcast: "Testing Loyalties? Trump Faces Rare Republican Rebuke Over Syria" - President Trump is facing criticism from Democrats and Republicans after he acted on his election promise to bring troops home and stop “endless wars." and withdraw troops from Northern Syria. Tom Bevan, President of RealClearPolitics, weighs in how that could impact his 2020 re-election and the rapidly developing impeachment fight.

Also on the Rundown: Academy Award-winning producer Brian Grazer’s movies have grossed over $13 billion. His list of hit TV shows includes “Arrested Development,”  “24,” and “Empire.” The Hollywood legend and the man behind such films as “Apollo 11” and “A Beautiful Mind,” says one of the major keys to his incredible success is simple. Grazer joins the Fox News Rundown to reveal some of his secrets, share some incredible stories and discuss his new book, “Face to Face: The Art of Human Connection.”

Plus, commentary by Fox News contributor Donna Brazile.

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The Brian Kilmeade Show, 9 a.m. ET: U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky.; Michael Goodwin, New York Post columnist; Bret Baier, host of "Special Report"; Jarrett Stepman, author of The Daily Signal; Pastor Andrew Brunson and more.

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