Today on Fox News: March 2, 2020

Bloomberg fans gather at Minglewood Hall as Democratic presidential contender Michael Bloomberg delivers his stump speech during a campaign stop in Memphis, Tenn. on Feb. 28, 2020. (Jim Weber/Daily Memphian via AP)


On Fox News: 

Fox & Friends, 6 a.m. ET: U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams discusses steps to protect your family from coronavirus.  Black voters explain why they are ditching the Democrats to support Trump in 2020. Plus, special guests Eric Trump, executive vice president of the Trump Organization; U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.

Fox News Town Hall with Mike Bloomberg, 6:30 p.m. ET - Don't miss this must-see event.

On Fox Business:

Mornings with Maria, 6 a.m. ET: An interview with Vice President Mike Pence.

On Fox News Radio:

The Fox News Rundown podcast: "Nightmare Scenario": How Super Tuesday Could Muddle Democratic Race Even More - After a decisive victory in South Carolina, Joe Biden is moving towards Super Tuesday with some much-needed momentum in the 2020 Democratic presidential race. With one-third of the delegates up for grabs, Tom Bevan, co-founder and president of RealClearPolitics, explains Sen. Bernie Sanders' strength heading into Super Tuesday, Joe Biden's window to capitalize on his victory and "the nightmare scenario for Democrats."

Also on the Rundown: Recently, the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said point-blank that we are failing our veterans. Gen. John Hyten said the number of suicides is going in the wrong direction. Staff Sgt. Johnny "Joey" Jones, a double amputee Marine veteran who served in Iraq and Afghanistan and a Fox News contributor, joins the Rundown to discuss how we can combat the veteran suicide epidemic and some of the many misconceptions about our vets.

Plus, commentary from Mo Elleithee, the founding executive director of Georgetown University's Institute of Politics and Public Service and Fox News contributor.

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The Brian Kilmeade Show, 9 a.m. ET: Special guests include: Gen. Jack Keane; Michael Goodwin, New York Post columnist; Bret Baier, host of "Special Report" and more.

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