Today on Fox News: June 3, 2020


On Fox News Radio:

The Brian Kilmeade Show, 9 a.m. ET: An interview with President Trump. Plus, former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik and Tom Bevan, co-founder and president of RealClearPolitics.

Fox Across America with Jimmy Failla, Noon ET: U.S. Rep. Jody Hice, R-Ga., explains how Atlanta and other Georgia cities can be rebuilt and we'll have an update on where the RNC convention could be held this year.

The Fox News Rundown podcast: "What the Hell Is Going On?" - Sen. McSally, Neil Cavuto on Nationwide Unrest - The tension across America is increasing after two months of coronavirus shutdowns and more than a week of destructive protests over the death of George Floyd. U.S. Sen. Martha McSally, FR-Ariz, discusses the nationwide demonstrations and President Trump's vow to put soldiers on the ground if the violence doesn't stop. The Arizona Republican also weighs in on the possibility of another stimulus bill and her bid for reelection.

Also on the Rundown: The civil unrest erupting across the country following the death of George Floyd is likely to slow the U.S. economy's comeback from the COVID-19 outbreak. Violent protests and looting in cities including New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago have left business owners in a tough place. Fox News' Neil Cavuto joins the Rundown' to weigh in on all of this more.

Plus, commentary by Brian Kilmeade, "Fox & Friends" co-host and host of "The Brian Kilmeade Show."

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On Fox News:

Fox & Friends, 6 a.m. ET: U.S. Rep. Michael Waltz, R-Fla.,  on the role the National Guard plays in restoring law and order; Fox News contributor Jason Riley on rooting out bad cops without scapegoating good ones; Iraq War veteran Rob Smith gives an update his effort to help the Minneapolis community impacted by rioting.

Bill Hemmer Reports, 3 p.m. ET: Benjamin Crump, attorney for the family of George Floyd

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