Today on Fox News: Dec. 24, 2019


On Fox News: 

Fox & Friends, 6 a.m. ET: How do evangelicals feel about Trump after scathing op-ed from 'Christianity Today'. "Fox & Friends" takes a closer look. Plus, Christmas ice sculptures on Fox Square!

On Fox News Radio:

The Fox News Rundown podcast: U.S. Homeless Crisis Continues to Get Worse - Homelessness in the U.S. has increased 2.7 percent this year primarily due to California, which saw a more than 16 percent increase in homelessness over last year. Fox News' Jessica Rosenthal joins Police Sgt. Robin Briggs on a tour of Skid Row in downtown Los Angeles to see the homeless problem for themselves. Jessica also speaks with physician assistant Patricia Talaro and mental health therapist Briana Mandel about what's behind America's growing homeless crisis.

Also on the Rundown: Why would someone give the gift of two turtle doves? This Christmas Eve, we take a dive into the classic Christmas carol "The Twelve Days of the Christmas." The Rev. Mark Lawson-Jones of the Mission to Seafarers in Wales is the author of "Why Was the Partridge in the Pear Tree? The History of Christmas Carols," and he joins the Rundown to shed some light on the classic carol.

Plus, commentary by  Paul J. Batura, vice president of communications at Focus on the Family.

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