President Biden continued to be defiant in the face of flagging poll numbers while a top Texas Democrat declared the president is encountering a rough patch with the American people because they are frustrated with the weather.

"Oil prices; gasoline costs at the pump [are] going down. All that we have committed to doing we are doing," House Judiciary Committee member Sheila Jackson Lee said. "So I really look at those numbers, yes, as dissatisfaction -- as the frustration of the summer; the heat."

Fox News host Jesse Watters pointed out that it tends to get very hot in the Lone Star State every summer, therefore questioning if there is an emerging pattern the American people should expect in Biden's polling.

"I'm not a meteorologist, but correct me if I'm wrong," Watters said Wednesday on "The Five." "So, they hate the Democrat president in the summers and then they start liking him again in the winter -- and then they start hating him again in the summer? This is a trend I think we should really follow," he said of Jackson Lee's comments.


As President Biden’s tenure in the White House hits the 100-day milestone, media watchdogs and journalism professors alike have noticed that journalists are

Biden (Getty Images)

The Houston lawmaker recently claimed America "need[s] Joe Biden" and that he will be the one to lead Democrats in "pushing forward to victory."

Meanwhile, Biden became irritated with a reporter who questioned him on a report regarding the president's electoral popularity. The New York Times reported a large proportion of Democrats do not want him to run in 2024 – but the president instead locked onto a statistic showing they would overwhelmingly support him if Donald Trump were the Republican nominee:


Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas., suggests hot weather could be impacting Biden's poll numbers (AP)

"Read the poll, Jack – you guys are all the same," Biden said as he approached the reporter. 

"That poll showed that 92% of Democrats, if I ran, would vote for me," Biden repeated, leaving out the Trump caveat.

In response, Watters pointed to the president's intraparty unpopularity as well as raging inflation – adding there is essentially a lone Senate Democrat damming up a potential deluge of even greater economic strife by opposing further left-wing fiscal policy.

"You have a situation where the president is getting crushed and the only thing he knows how to do is spend more money," he said. "What is he talking about? Spend a trillion to lower prices -- And so [West Virginia Sen.] Joe Manchin said, hell no."

"Thank God. I hope the Senate Republicans are making sure Manchin is well-fed, well hydrated, comfortable, surrounded by a team of doctors and very armed security because he's the only one that's basically preventing our republic from collapsing."