Ted Cruz slams Democrats for embracing 'hypocrisy'

Cruz criticized Rep. Cori Bush for pushing to defund the police while defending her use of private security

Senator Ted Cruz joined ‘Fox News Primetime’ to give his take on Rep. Cori Bush's push to defund the police while defending her use of expensive private security.

SENATOR TED CRUZ: You know the sad thing is just how typical that is. The left embraces hypocrisy. There’s an old saying that "hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue" and if you look at the left—whether it is communist or socialist… You know Fidel Castro was a billionaire. Raul Castro was a billionaire. The left always mandates different rules for the little people than they themselves live. During COVID lockdowns, we saw California governor Gavin Newsom having a sumptuous dinner at the French Laundry, despite the fact that he’d ordered the people of California not to do that. We saw New York mayor Bill de Blasio going to the gym because he said it was really important for him to work out and not the little people of New York. Their lives don’t concern them. You have leftists like Cori Bush or Rosie O’Donnell who want to take away your guns but they hire armed security to protect themselves, or in Cori Bush’s case, they want to abolish the police because, you know, the low-income people, the African Americans, Hispanics, people who rely on the police to keep them safe, their lives are not their concern but the privileged elites, "the rules are for thee and not for me" and I got to say that hypocrisy...if you’re willing to impose tyranny on the people then you shouldn’t live by a double standard and impose rules on others that you yourself are not willing to follow. 


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