Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, called out CNN’s Chris Cuomo Wednesday for challenging the senator to give an interview on his show when the network only aired a fraction of a several-minute interview he gave CNN earlier this week.

Cuomo dared Cruz to come on his show and "make the case" in a tweet earlier with a retweeted video of Cruz criticizing the increase in unemployment compensation amid the coronavirus pandemic.

“First question: show me the numbers, please? #doyourjob," Cuomo added.

Cruz quickly shot back at the "Prime Time" host, telling Cuomo the clip he retweeted was from a “CNN EXCLUSIVE yesterday...that y’all largely refused to air.”

He said he spoke to the network for nearly seven minutes but CNN only ran “15 sec on TV.”

“When you air the interviews you already have, then maybe we can discuss new ones. #FakeNews #doyourjob,” he tweeted.

CNN did not immediately respond to an email from Fox News.


He didn’t specify which show played the clip. CNN included more of the interview on its website.