Ted Cruz reveals the five lies the White House has told about inflation

From denying it is a problem to blaming Vladimir Putin, Ted Cruz revealed where the White House is lying to Americans

Senator Ted Cruz, R-Texas, told "Hannity" Monday that Biden's White House has told five lies about inflation, from denying its existence to blaming Russian President Vladimir Putin. 

TED CRUZ: The White House has had five separate lies on inflation. 

Their first lie was: It’s not happening. Don’t believe your eyes. There’s no inflation. 

Their second lie was: Oh, it’s transitory. Yes, it’s happening, but it’s transitory. Just for a moment. 

The third lie is, and this is from Ron Klain: It’s a high-class problem. It’s there, but it’s a high-class problem. Aren’t you lucky to have inflation? 

Their fourth lie was: It’s happening, it’s not transitory, it’s not high-class, but it’s a good thing. It’s a sign of how great the economy is that you can’t afford to pay for your groceries or put gas in your car. 

Then lie number five that every Biden apparatchik is repeating: Putin, Putin, Putin. They decided politically, let’s blame this trainwreck of a Biden energy policy on Vladimir Putin. You know what? The gasoline prices had risen 48% before Putin invaded Ukraine. As the sticker says on the gas pump. "I did this." Joe Biden did this.


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