Tammy Bruce lays out plan to fight back against the Left's quest for power

Bruce: You are in charge of your own life. Not bureaucrats, not Washington, not rage-filled cancel culture mob

"Fox News Primetime" host Tammy Bruce opened Friday's show laying out how Americans can "fight back and defeat" the Left's "quest for power."

BRUCE: As we come out of the pandemic. We will explain that emerging from the crippling lockdowns of last year isn’t just about reopening businesses or hanging on every little word from public health bureaucrats to tell us what to do.

It’s actually about restoring the dignity of day to day life and having the capacity to do what ’s best for you and your family. Without constant nagging interference from bureaucrats who like telling you what to do and who simply don’t want to return to their boring, anonymous desk jobs. 

Because remember, you are in charge of your own life. Not bureaucrats, not Washington, and certainly not the rage-filled cancel culture mob.

Don’t acquiesce to the fear porn. Don’t accept the assertions of so-called experts without question. And don’t cede your capacity to make your own decisions based on what some establishment hack insists is best for you.


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